Archive for November, 2005
SuperMarioWarDS (NDS Game Port)

Image provided by: GPFSuperMarioWar has been ported from the xbox v1.01 sources using SDL. It supports either 0,1 or 2 players against up to 4 CPU players. One person uses the dpad, the other the buttons to play against each other.

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GP2Brew Issue #0 (GP32 Fenix misc)

Image provided by: EvilDragonA new diskmag for the GP32/GP2x has been released. It’s using Fenix.

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Bingo (GP32 Game)

Image provided by: GuyfawkesBingo is based on the UK version of the game and features two mode of play; Single Player and Bingo Announcer. The first is a one person and two CPU mode game where you must win as many lines as possible and aim fora completed card. there are two variants, a 1 round and 3 round game [&hellip

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Way of the Rain (29-10-2005) (NDS Game)

Seddy has updated”Way of the Rain”. It now features whole 21 levels.

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Tedzero Browser v2.4.2 (PSP Application)

Tedzero has updated his file browser for the PSP. Changes: 1) Custom Background and custom text colors. 2) Create a folder”tedzero”in PSP root, have your cfg, gfx and bmp file in it. 3) Buttons are a little more smoother. 4) Desktop view has a better color pallet.

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PSP Millionaire v1.01 (PSP Lua Game)

This Lua quiz game based on the TV-Show”Who wants to be a millionaire?”has been updated. Now, question answers are selected by using the arrow keys, followed by hitting the X button with the desired answer chosen. It also includes the recently released question packs.

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PSPRadio v0.36 Pre 5 (PSP Application)

Image provided by: rafPSPRadio is a radio internet client for the PSP. Changes: (raf) Lots of cleanup / refactoring (raf) Now downloads a compressed version of’s database instead. Thanks to echto again for providing the routines to do the zlib uncompression, and db download URL service setup, etc!! (sandberg) Added a particle system as a new background effect [&hellip

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SMSAdvance v1.1 (Master System emu for GBA)

FluBBa has updated his Master System emulator SMSAdvance for the Gameboy Advance. Changes: Added sprite following (somewhat). Fixed background color (lots of games). Fixed Game Over screen on Rambo III. Fixed sprite bugs on Codematers game in scaled mode. Optimised CPU abit, again.

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Shippy1984 (DreamOn Edition) (DC Game Port)

Shippy1984, an old-fashioned static shooter based on the arcade classic Galaxian, has been ported to the Dreamcast by quzar, intended as an entry into the second annual Dream On contest.

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PDRoms Webboard (misc)

I just reorganized the PDRoms Webboard. If you want to have a chit chat about various consoles, development and stuff… be a part of the community 🙂

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