Archive for January, 2006
GTA Pong v0.2 Multiplayer Edition (PSP Game)

Percival has updated his Pong game which is using the GTA savegame exploit. Thanks to psp-news/psp3d for the news. This one is good if you have a friend nearby. It’s basically GTA Pong without the ‘computer’ opponent. You hold the PSP vertically, with one end of the PSP in your hand, and the other end in your friend’s hand. Move [&hellip

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SMSPlus2x v0.5 (SMS/GG emu for GP2x)

efegea has updated his Master System and GameGear emulator for the GP2x.

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SquidgeSNES v0.34 SR 1 (SNES emu for GP2x)

Squidge comes up with another update for SquidgeSNES, a Super Nintendo Entertainment emulator for the GP2x. Changes: This fixes the disappearing sprites and also has some other graphical fixes.

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Net-Bubble GP2x (21-06-2006) (GP2x Game Port)

Net-Bubble is a game in the style of Puzzle Bubble, ported by Flavor. Release notes: Here’s a new release with bug fixes, but I think it works fine (even the 2-player on the same machine). Honestly, I’m not really sure that I’m going to put any more work into it. I have started a new project that I think will [&hellip

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NeoCD PSP v0.5 (Alpha 3) (NJ) (NeoGeo CD emu for PSP)

NJ, author of NeoGeo CDZ, is still working on a continuation of NeoCD PSP from YoYoFR, which is a NeoGeo CD emulator. His latest release (v0.5 Alpha 5) can be found at his page.

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SMSPlus2x v0.4 (SMS/GG emu for GP2x)

efegea has updated his Master System and GameGear emulator for the GP2x.

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Falldown v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Anata has updated”Falldown”. The aim of the game is to fall down as fast as possible by avoiding obstacles.

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P-Sprint (PSP Lua misc)

P-Sprint is a keyboard driver simulation for the PSP by Arwin. This is a LUA port of his previous released C version. More information here:

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Lua Lava Lamp (Alpha) (PSP Lua misc)

This is a lava lamp coded in Lua.

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webnab v0.1 (PSP Application)

webnab (WhyeatBananas,Notabrowser) is a program that lets you read the front page news from a limited amount of news type sites, Currently: pspupdates (Parses front page), slashdot (rss feed), apple (rss feed)

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