Archive for January, 2006
MP3 Play r01a (NDS Application)

MP3 Play is a MP3-Player for the Nintendo DS. This seems to be a bugfix release of r01.

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DS Bloom (NDS Techdemo)

bluescrn has updated his “Fullscreen bloom/glow effect” which runs now at 60 fps.

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Defendguin (PSP Game Port)

Deniska comes up with another port for the PSP. This time it’s a port of the side scrolling shooter Defendguin!. Defendguin is a clone of the arcade game”Defender,”but with a Linux theme. Your mission is to defend little penguinoids from being captured and mutated.

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gP32oPie (Pre-Alpha 2) (GP32 misc)

gP32oPie is a Linux version for the GP32. Changes: 1) Kernel update (recent Kernel 2.4 in GP32LINUX micro2) – I tried Kernel 2.6, but boot failed. 2) Edit ‘start’ file 3) And small changes 🙂 Read readme.txt for more information.,0,0,0,18,

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Atomic (Beta 2) (GP32 Game Port)

Logann has updated his port of kAtomic for the GP32. Changes according to ilarri: all levels work now (not 100% sure) no more resets (maybe) atoms with the correct sprite level selector movements counter (it will be saved if you want) and many more

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Vectoroids2x (GP2x Game Port)

This is an Astoroid like game for the GP2x ported by IceOnly.,0,0,0,30,

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Selector v0.5b (GP2x Application)

Selector is a general frontend to pass files to an executable with parameteres.,0,0,0,7,

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TinyFB (NDS misc)

How small a NDS binary can get? If you want to find it out check out those 2 links:

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MP3 Play r01 (NDS Application)

“MP3 Play”is a MP3 player for the Nintendo DS by by SaTa.

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Noiz2sa v1 (GP2x Game Port)

The abstract shooter Noiz2sa has been ported to the GP2x. The codebase is based upon Chui’s Dreamcast port.,0,0,0,30,

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