Lua is a powerful light-weight programming language designed for extending applications. Lua is also frequently used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language. Lua is free software. Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays and extensible semantics. Lua is dynamically typed, interpreted from bytecodes, and has automatic memory management with garbage collection, making it ideal [&hellip
Telengard has released a pre alpha version of his MESS port (Multi Emulator Super System). It is based on xmess 0.102.
Selector is a general frontend to pass files to an executable with parameteres. Changes: Changed control system. L and R are used now to navigate faster, and command line selection has been moved to B and X. Rest of controls remain unchanged. Skin drawing code changed to use minimal lib 0.B, so now they look better. CPU speed reduced to [&hellip
Legacy is an open source emulator of the 8086-based IBM PC architecture, developed in C++. It is designed to recreate the experience of playing early 80’s IBM PC “bootable” games. This is a preview version of Legacy and subject to the following constraints: No sound Inaccurate running speed Graphical glitches, game freezes and other emulation problems DOES NOT run MS-DOS [&hellip
Infantile Paralysiser has just released MoonShell v0.8! It’s a shell application for the Nintendo DS.
PotA has released a two player Tetris game for the GP2x.,0,0,0,25,
Fenix has been ported to the GP2x by puck2099. Thanks to GP32Spain/GP32x for the news. Release notes: The runtime and a few examples included.Now you can code games using Fenix!,0,0,0,14,1119
cubiCPixel has released TrickedOut. An attempt to create a snowboarding game for the PSP. Release notes: Freestyle snowboard game with no time or races. Inspired by snowboarding itself. Should be able to carve around. This is a basic starting teaser where you can see itspotential.Everything will be changed, mostly graphics: Every images have allready been exported and ready to use [&hellip
Gamepark Holdings have updated the GP2x Firmware to v1.2.0. Changes according to Gaijin: Improved photo viewer (comic-view mode included) smi subtitle file bug fixed (Font color and Font Face) 4way menu navigation After bottom-most file, it automatically roll-up the upper-most one. Switch the position of SD and NAND menu Improved TV Out. Support both NTSC and PAL. All movie and [&hellip
danzel has updated his IRC and Telnet client for the PSP. Changes: Did some additions to get connecting to cygwins telnetd working. Some big changes to the renderer, now it is called directly instead of with message passing. This gives some big speed ups (libcaca mplayer is almost compeletely smooth at default speed). I was hoping to hold this for [&hellip