Ka-BoOm is a minesweeper style game for the NDS by Stravingo
DSMPlay is a multimedia player for the Playstation Portable by Infantile Paralysiser
PHORV (Puzzle with HORizontal and Vertical lines). Thanks to http://www.playeradvance.org for the news
Dan has released Bliptracker v1.0c which is a Nintendo DS drum machine, synth and sequencer, intended for live performance. Thanks to http://www.playeradvance.org for the news
Neumann has released an updated version of Homer and the lost Donut. This release fixes a collision bug
DCEmu via its Wii-News and Gamecube Emulation Sites are proud to present the first Dual Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube Coding Competition. This Coding Competition will hopefully ignite a mass of interest for creating homebrew and emulators on the Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Gamecube
Gehirn by wamma is an Atari 2600 demo released at Outline
HARD by wamma is an A2600 demo released at Simulaatio
A side scroller space shooter with a bit of retro-feeling. Created with the fantastic PAlib and devkitpro as an experiment to learn nds programming. It has evolved a bit since last beta, but still its only the first level. It has some intro scenes to introduce the background story and characters
AS_N and his version of Pong