Archive for August, 2007
PurityDS (NDS misc)

This original application will test your purity by asking you questions, mostly about the topics of drug, alcohol, and s3x ! You’ll get a comment about your purity and a score between 0-450. With 0 you’re a pure angel, and with 450 you’re the devil

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SpsychoD (20-08-2007) (NDS Application)

SpsychoD is a “psycho test” for NDS. You may know those magazine to pick various answers from, giving you score for every answer and then trying to figure out your mental state&#

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Sleeper Killer (NDS misc)

Sleeper Killer is basically an alarm clock with special features meant limit the amount of time you waste by sleeping

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DSHobro v0.3 (NDS Application)

DSHobro is a homebrew web browser for the Nintendo DS. It requires a PC application to function. The newest version (0.3) comes with Flash/Java/ActiveX support, text input, automatic connection configuration and more. The real purpose of DSHobro comes when you’re away from home and want to surf the web with your DS. If you’ve started the server app on your [&hellip

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jEnesisDS 0.5 (Genesis emu for NDS)

“jEnesisDS” is a Sega MegaDrive/Genesis Emulator for the Nintendo

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Oh Mummy Evolution v1.5 (NDS Game)

Oh Mummy Evolution is a game based off the old Amstrad CPC, it follows a maze style game play where you have to uncover artefacts while avoiding the enemy mummys!

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Robot Arm DS (NDS Game)

A tile-based puzzle game where you write a simple “program” to try to make the robot arm deliver the flag to the end

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Mental Games (NDS Games)

Mental Games is a compilation of quick little games that ask for either nice Stylus skills or tons of concentration. Some are remakes of pre-released DS games, some are adaptations of flash games, and others are completely new and original

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ASCII Pacman (NeoFlash Version) (NDS Game)

Evilspoon’s ASCII Pacman, in an enhanced version for the coding competition&#

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Dice Roller (NDS Game)

This is a puzzle game based on those sliding tile games you get on airplanes. Originally made in Second Life, this DS version is a little harder in that it lacks 3D, but the use of the stylus means playing it is a lot easier

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