Archive for November, 2007
Car Crash v2 WIP (PSP Lua Game)

grafele is still working on his recently released Lua game “Car Crash”. He now posted a screenshot of the upcomming version

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Caprice32 PSP v4.2.0.2 (CPC emu for PSP)

Caprice32 PSP is an Amstrad CPC emulator for PlayStation Portable. Changes: ZIP file support for disk and tape images Disk images can be saved, ejected and loaded without resetting the system (System tab) Save state autoloading – any save state slot can be designated as the autoload slot (Options tab, disabled by default). Saved games in the autoload slot are [&hellip

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GoSub2 (Build 68) (A2600 Game)

GoSub2, the successor of GoSub has been updated… Release notes: I cut off the sfx for the torpedoes and brought back scoring with this version. These were quick changes to make. I’ll add some quick speed thingy soon. Thanks for the comments and feedback so far. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how a possible bonus round would work? [&hellip

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PuzzleManiak v3.2.5 (NDS Game)

PuzzleManiak is a port of the marvelous Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection on Nintendo DS. All 27 games are ported on NDS: Tents, Dominosa, Mines, Bridges, Light Up (aka Akari), Pattern (aka Picross), Net (aka Netwalk), Untangle (aka Planarity), Sudoku (aka Solo), Galaxies, Slitherlink (aka Loopy), Blackbox, Mastermind (aka Guess), Map, Filling, Solitaire (aka Pegs), Sixteen, Fifteen, Slant, Rectangles, Netslide, [&hellip

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iPhysics v0.5 (iPhone misc)

iPhysics is a physics engine for iPhone. Changes: Dragging is working again! The system now loads the levels from the filesystem, and the first 3 are working! Assorted bugfixes

By with 0 comments v2.0.0 (NES emu for iPhone) lets you play Nintendo games on your iPhone. It is a fully functional, feature-rich Nintendo emulator. Changes: [jonz] Fixed preference labels and removed show selection of buttons [jonz] Changed main ROM list to be section list (like contact list) [jonz] Removed “can delete roms” feature [jonz] Significant code cleanup

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gpSPhone v0.1.9 (GBA emu for iPhone)

gpSPhone is a GBA emulator based ZodTTD’s port of gpSP to the GP2X. gpSP is a great GBA emulator written by the talented Exophase. ZodTTD ported it to the GP2X, and added an (iPhone/iTouch compatible) dynarec. By using this coding technique, fullspeed performance of GBA is obtained on the iPhone/iTouch. Release notes: A lot of users found v0.1.5 to be [&hellip

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Troubles (misc)

Dear visitors, in the past few hours we had serious troubles with the backend – most of it, should be fixed now. Kudos to celeth for taking himself time to fix everything, tho he should have done something for university! Thanks mate! The service should be back to normal now 😉 -koj

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GP2X-2600 v1.0.4 (A2600 emu for GP2x)

GP2x-2600 is based upon Stella. Stella is on of the best emulator of Atari 2600 game console, running on many different systems, such as Linux, Solaris, Windows, MacOS/X, WinCE, OS/2, GP2X. Changes: – Display and save thumbnail images for each save state – New speed limiter function – Add option to display fps rate – Option to prevent the blue [&hellip

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Powder (Release 092) (NDS Game)

POWDER is a roguelike game. It is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. It uses actual graphic tiles (16×16) rather than the traditional characters. Changes: When you are prompted to cast a spell you cam hit [SELECT] or [i] or [?] to get help on that [&hellip

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