This is a puzzle game which challenges your memory. Two grids are composed of m shapes (rows) and n colors (columns). The bottom one is for play and the top one is for hint. You must touch the cells of the bottom grid and turn them face up one by one. The next cell touched must match shape or color [&hellip
Cortes48, one of the board members at , is working on a remake of Ballon Fight (known from the NES) for the Nintendo
Simple Media System is a media player for the Playstation 2. Changes: – fixed quite nasty bug in the mpeg1/2 decoder (blocky artefacts in some cases). Thanks to ‘orangpelupa’ for the note and sample clips; – fixed incorrect inclusion of folders into playlist upon “Play all audio” action; Thanks to ‘vsub’ and ‘dlanor’ for the research/note; – fixed stupid typo [&hellip
Earlier this day we already reported about the upcomming Playstation 1 emulator for iPhone’s. Now it’s getting more shape with this post made by ZodTTD: My very first build of psx4all for the iPhone & iTouch worked! You gotta love when the first compile for a program works! These are two quick screenshots of the very first build (note: not [&hellip
Nethack DS is a port of Nethack to the Nintendo DS. Release notes: Version 1.8b is released. This includes all the fixes from 1.8 and 1.8a: Fixed Adjust (it was horribly broken). Thanks, Scribble! Moved left-handed mode to OPTIONS (default off). Added keyboard-based command mode, toggleable with OPTIONS (default off). Menus and command window can now be controlled using the [&hellip
Sliding Puzzle 2x is a sliding puzzle game for GP2x
JoJo_ReloadeD released another update to his Frontier remake for GP2x. Most elements are taken from the Atari ST version. Thanks to for the news
This is a bugfix release for Cube Breakout v
MorganDS has posted a screenshot of Rubik’s Cube current status. The goal is to add up a real 3D cube at the top screen
Here is a new release from Fort Apocalypse: You may have played a guitar, but have you ever played the Atar? The Atarinstrument is currently fairly basic, but supports 2 instrumentalists (2 joysticks). Have fun! I’m thinking I’ll probably change the button to be a sharp instead of a flat in the next version and add some more instruments. One [&hellip