Sakya came up with a bugfix release for his recent LightMP3 release. Fixes: -Fixed: FLAC was broken in 1.7.0 -Fixed: you can change options with analog
Tool Box is a collection of many useful tools in one collection. It contains: Despertar Del Cementerio Nand Manager Nand Tool Pandora Installer Key Cleaner Idstorage Manager PSP Filer Pandora Battery Creator
Fort Apocalypse has posted two udpates of his homebrew game “Waterskier” in the meantime. Release notes: v0.6: Here you go… old school colors (except for top which I need to figure out) and ramp. v1.0 Faster gameplay depending on level. Dot become “ski” that you have to pick up for points or jump for points
iSlots is a 3 reel slot machine game for the iPhone. The current features are: – Vegas style graphics and sounds – saves credits – double tap to get to options – scroll screen up to see payout information – v0.2 graphics redone by armadillo
Amrust Joshi has updated his SMS sending applicaiton SMSD. It comes with a lots of features, which the original iPhone doesn’t support in this matter
PSPAtari is an Atari 800/130/5200 emulator for PSP. Changes: – All render modes use GU (smooth mode) – Add fit height render mode (for zektor) – Analog pad can now be used in the file requester – Can now be compiled under linux for linux (usefull for dev/debug) – Tried to put the new pokey functions, but it is too [&hellip
Here are some exclusive work in progress news of the upcomming Giana Sisters sequel “Giana’s Return”. The cave world has been fully retouched with the new tileset and the result is quite interesting, but see on your own… The Gianas Return Team has promised a new video too around new year. The game is going to be ported to [&hellip
iPVDasm is an iPhone port of PVDasm an 32bit disassembler. Release notes: The Proview (a.k.a PVDasm) Disassembler project is Free, Interactive, Multi-CPU (Intel 80×86/ Chip8) that includes many features which allows the user to perform analysis on the target image file. PVDasm currently support image files of executable files (.exe), dynamic executable images (.dll) and Game-Boy image files (.gb/.gbc). Proview [&hellip
iFeed is a simple PHP application based on iUI for serving RSS feeds of your blog to display on iPhone/Touch
mobileZIPcodes is a small tool that allows you to browse ZIP codes and the corresponding city/state/district/country data on your iPhone or iPod touch. As you don’t require to be online while looking up the ZIP code information, it is in particular useful for iPod touch users without the ability to use EDGE on the way