Archive for June, 2008
Another Rock Paper Scissors Game v0.3 (Wii Game)

Forgotten Linkz updated his “Rock Paper Scissor” game. Changes: Changed the name to Another Rock Paper Scissors game Now using GRRLIB for image Fully graphical! Cleaned up some code

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Version Checker (23-06-2008) (PPC Application)

HerrVorragend has made a very small application for comparing the versions of exe-files from various roms. How to use: Get the version info from files: 1. Extract the Files from OS.nb 2. Start “VersionChecker” and click on “Get versions” select the the root directory from the extracted files. 3. Save the result to a file (for example “Rom1.vck”) Compare the [&hellip

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Full Screen Dialer v0.24 (PPC Application)

Full Screen Dialer is a full screen dialer for PPC’s. Features: FSD is a more finger friendly dial pad than the WM default one. FSD is skinable. FSD does not have any speed dial/redial or anything more complicated than basic number entry. FSD is a full screen dialer! FSD will run on WM5/6 or WM2003 devices with .NET CF 2.0. [&hellip

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Weather Wallpaper v0.33 (PPC Application)

Weather Wallpaper is a mortscript that changes S2U2 wallpaper based on current weather condition. Now there is support for Weatherpanel, HTC Weather, and the original Yahoo feed (based on notiweather script). Release notes: Update: WeatherWallpaper v0.33 – I also made a version of WeatherWallpaper for HTC, Yahoo, and Weather Panel that displays the last updated time (version .33). This can [&hellip

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v3.08 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active). Changes: 24/06 – v3.08 – Added option for sending mouse click to Today screen

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textReader v1.0 (Beta 7) (iPhone Application)

This application allows you to read large Text (.txt,.text), Palm Doc (.pdb), Mobipocket (.pdb,.prc,.mobi), Plucker (.pdb), HTML (.htm,.html), and Fiction Book (.fb2) files quickly and efficiently on the iPhone/Touch. This application doesn’t have the fancy formatting of ruBooks or, but it can quickly load and display large text files that currently cause or other UI Text View/Web View [&hellip

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Yabause Wii (Unofficial Alpha 1) (Saturn emu for Wii)

Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii. Yabause Wii can now run a small number of commercial games at usable speeds (5-10fps) [&hellip

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2xWargus (Beta 1) (GP2x Port misc)

Adventus released a first beta of his Wargus port for GP2x. Wargus is a Warcraft 2 Engine Re-Implementation

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Gmu v0.6.2 (GP2x Application)

wejp has updated his audio player “Gmu” for GP2x. Release highlights: * Lyrics support: Both lyrics embedded into ID3v2 tags as well as lyrics in seperate text files are supported * More precise volume control * Two new skins: “Window” skin and “Yellow compact” skin Discussion:

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Baby Foot (PSP Lua Game)

Baby Foot is a table soccer game coded in Lua. Thanks to for the news

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