emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play games on your iPhone. There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own. Changes: [jonz] Added accelerometer support
BlobbDS is a 3D Tamagotchi style game in early stages for Nintendo DS. Make sure to take care of your Blobb! 😉
Guitar Fun is a Guitar Hero Clone for the Wii
Akop Karapetyan updated his Spectrum emulator Fuse PSP, but the release seems to have withdrawn. Quote: UPDATE At least one user has reported palette corruption problems, so I’m pulling the new version down until I can revert the psplib code back to an older version. Please bear with me, and if you have the version originally released, please don’t distribute [&hellip
PSProgramer updated his RPG game attempt “Uncharted Lands”. Features: * 5 outside Maps and 4 indoor maps maps * fixed pause menu * main menu – – (fully functional) * items shop interface * weapons shop interface * early sign reading/talking function * state system created, and functional * npc characters — (moving characters, functions have been made, and will [&hellip
Here is a new version of PSPWrite the text editor for PSP. Changes: – Add word wrap mode (finally !) – New option to specify wrap settings – New hotkey to display help menu – New hotkey to rewrap a paragraph – A new menu for all settings – Minor bug fix
Phillip has updated his game “Last Mobile Space Battalion”. It’s a mix of Space Invaders and Yar’s Revenge. Release notes: Well, here is the last binary and source code for Last Mobile Space Battalion. I’ve made wonderful progress here today. I got rid of the satellite flickering by putting the scrolling code in the HBLANK section. I also added some [&hellip
Indy 501 which has been previously known as “Racing game” is a racing game with built in track editor, coded by atari2600land. Release notes: Added a 1-player game option. Player 2 can’t move left or right for some reason (help!)
ZX-81 updated his Atari 2600 emulator PSP2600, which is based upon Stella. Changes: – A thumbnail image is now displayed in the file requester while selecting any file with the same name of a previously saved game. – In the emulator menu you can go directly to keyboard and settings menu using the L-Trigger key. – Fix IR keyboard issue [&hellip
Gefa updated his painting program PaintMIXER. PaintMIXER’s GUI is similar to the well known Microsoft Paint. Changes: – Added a new functionality, Ellisse – Added new fonts – Added a new option in the ini file – Added “Size file” in KB when you load an image