Archive for October, 2008
Frodo S60 3rd Edition (21-10-2008) (C64 emu for Symbian OS)

Frodo is a Commodore 64 home computer emulator. It was ported from Christian Bauer’s original Frodo for Amiga. Porting for Epoc was done by Jal Panvel and Alfred E. Heggestad. Porting to Nokia 9210 and S60 was done by Hannu Viitala. Frodo was released for 9210 on July, 2001. That was the first C64 emulator for any cell phone!

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v4.04 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active). Changes: 30/10 – v4.04 – Fixes, REMEMBER TO change CustRegKeyActiveCalls to be HLMSystemStatePhoneActive Call Count

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Sony On Developing for an Open PS2 Platform (PS2 misc)

GameDaily published an article about Sony public-semi opening the Playstation 2 for third party developers. Unfortunatly you will still require to buy the official devkit from them, which is a bit pricy for the regular user. Here is a partitial quote of the article: Kiev, Ukraine – PlayStation development took center stage at Casual Connect when Sony Europe’s developer relations [&hellip

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PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.6 (PSP misc)

This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself. Changes: – Revert back to style of compression used in v2.3 for 64-bit compatibility. – Removed [&hellip

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smallHex v1.4 (PSP Application)

smallHex is a hexeditor for Playstation Portable by Xeeynamo. Changes: – Software completely rewritten and optimized – Added flash0 (read), flash1 (read&write), flash2 (read) and UMD (read) support (SQUARE) – Added in file manager the current path – Added a key to return at root (TRIANGLE) – Extended the Undo function – Added Search function (HEX/DEC 8/16/32 BIT UN/SIGNED) – [&hellip

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Wii Web Server v0.9 (Alpha) (Wii Application)

Wii Web Server is a simple Web-Server for the Wii. Still it’s in very early stages of development and at present can only display a built in test page. Changes: – Recompiled for HBC 9 beta – Now has a sane download name

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Drunken Coders Winter 2008 Coding Competition (Wii misc)

The guys at Drunken Coders are now accepting Wii and GameCube entries. Check out their page for more information

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Drunken Coders Winter 2008 Coding Competition (GC misc)

The guys at Drunken Coders are now accepting Wii and GameCube entries. Check out their page for more information

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Split the Bill (PPC Application)

Split the Bill helps you split the bill at a restaurant. The idea is you fill in the Bill, the gratuity and the number of people to split it by and it gives you an amount that each should pay. This is rounded up to make sure you pay at least the bill + the gratuity

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Outlook Email Scheduler v0.55 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Email Scheduler is just that, an email scheduler. Changes: Fixed/Added VGA support Fixed 24 hour bug Added Weekend settings options Compiled againest .net

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