Archive for October, 2008
Fahrplanauskunft v0.9.3 (PPC Application)

This a a little program to create Wayfinding Lists for Buses on Changes: -Quickfix because of changes on

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Rick Dangerous Wii (29-10-2008) (Wii Game Port)

Gouky and Foxy, the guys behind the “Magic Team”, released a port of Rick Dangerous over to the Wii. Instead of a pure port enjoy an update version of this fantastic game including new gfx, musics, special effects and totally new intro and final ending sequences! Thanks to Foxy himself for informing me via MSN 🙂

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BSoftChronos v0.1.5 (PPC Application)

This app is a simple touch chronograph, with split time support for the moment. More features to come… Changes: – Rewrite internal code, more precision, and quicker. – Add vibrate on key press. (Thx to OpenNETCF.WindowsCE.dll, from OpenNETCF)

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TouchLaunch v0.0.4.6 (PPC Application)

TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans startmenu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically. Changes: +it’s .NET 2.0 binary, so it should work for everybody +many bugs fixed again +list scrolling/touching improvements, no more accidental launches +new about dialog added, has links to this thread, and also donation button +new contextMenu, better looking and more fingerfriendly +you can click and hold [&hellip

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Puzzle Magic (29-10-2008) (PSP Game)

Eskema released Puzzle Magic for PlayStation Portable. Quote: Hello people, once again im here to torture you with one of the worst homebrew i’ve ever made. Its a simple clone of bejeweled, you know, joint 3 pieces of the same color, and make points bla bla bla. Anyway heres a pic to show u this creepy game

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Reader2x (Beta) (GP2x Application)

!reader2x is a program to read ebooks in TXT, RTF, HTM, PDB (palmdoc) and PDF documents

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Web Video Downloader (WVD) v0.0.9.0 (PPC Application)

Web Video Downloader can download .flv or .mp4 videos from various web sites

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Mario Paint Composer DS (29-10-2008) (NDS Application)

Mario Paint Composer DS is an indirect remake of the music composer tool found in the Super Nintendo game “Mario Paint” with a few new adaptations. Changes: -Fixed the D sharp note to play the right sound -Fixed end of song detection -Removed the appearance of being able to place notes while a song is playing -Last song saved/loaded’s file [&hellip

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Missile Command DS (28-10-2008) (NDS Game)

B. Perry updated his Missile Command remake for Nintendo DS. Changes: * Rumble Pak now supported * Flash cart icon created * Minor bug fix Thanks to for the news

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Pixelman v0.93.0b (NDS Application)

Sylus101’s Pixelman is a sprite designing, testing and animation tool directly to be used on your Nintendo DS. This tool makes it easy to develop on the go! The release has been made public at the PALib forums, which need registration to grab a file, if you don’t want to, you may consider getting the file free of charge and [&hellip

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