Archive for November, 2008
TouchResponse v0.02.2 (PPC Application)

This program is a touch driver to handle the touchscreen presses and vibration. A settings program exists to configure how the vibration works. Since this is a touch driver, there is no program you need to run to start it. Changes: – Can increment the duration by one instead of five now – The chance for a longer than usual [&hellip

By with 0 comments v2.3.3 (NES emu for iPhone) emulates the hardware in a Nintendo entertainment system, allowing you to play games on your iPhone. There are many public domain, home-brew games available which have been written for the Nintendo platform, and depending on your country of origin, you may be entitled to play images of commercial games which you rightfully own

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PSP Tool v0.7 (PSP Application)

PSP Tool is a multi-purpose utility to application which can perform various general management functions on a PlayStation Portable console. Release notes: Features: – Connect various devices through a USB cable – Inject a variety of included IPLs or an IPL from a file to the Memory Stick – Erase the entire IPL space of the Memory Stick – Check [&hellip

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Skyfire v0.85 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Skyfire is a new experience that brings the full internet to your mobile. Watch videos on YouTube or Hulu, connect with your friends on Myspace or Facebook, shop on Amazon or listen to music. Can you do it on your computer at home? Then you can do it on Skyfire on the go. Skyfire is fast, easy to use and [&hellip

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FTPii v0.0.16 (Wii Application)

FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself. Release notes: Optical disc support, SITE MOUNT/UNMOUNT/EJECT commands, wiimote power button. (thanks Nuke!)

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Splash N Dash v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Spot the 6-digit number that flashes for only a quarter second on the screen, then enter them in

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UGuess v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Guess unique four digit number present in iPhone

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Xmas-a-Mass Free v1.0.0 (iPhone misc)

Holiday spirit and filling up the screen with colorful Christmas presents

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MobileLinked IM v1.1 (iPhone Application)

Multi-services instance messenger

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Pmix v0.3 (Android Application)

PMix allows you to control a Music Player Daemon server ( ) with your Android phone. It supports cover art, music browsing and playlist creation. NOTE: In order for this program to be useful you must be running an MPD server on you computer

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