Health Cloud is a native iPhone client for Google Health, Google’s Personal Health Record (PHR). If you don’t already have a Google Health account, you’ll probably want to sign up first. Health Cloud is not developed by Google. Rather it uses Google Health’s publicly available API (the Objective-C GData libraries) to communicate with Google’s servers to retrieve a view of [&hellip
iWind simulates the iPhone measuring wind speed!
EvilDragon recently announced an delay for GPH’s new handheld “Wiz”. Read on: I’m sorry to announce that GPH told me the WIZ has been delayed further. The new date is now late of April (but this should be sure now, as they did tell me). There have been some problems with the firmware – nothing serious or critical, but it [&hellip
svpe has released an official version of DVDx for System Menu 3.4. Note that PatchMii and advanced modes are unavailable for this version. DVDX is a homebrew application that installs a hidden “channel” which can be used by other homebrew applications to access home burned and factory pressed DVD content without the need for a modchip. This does not modify [&hellip
Asterz is a 3D/2D Asteroids inspired space shooter. Changes: * Fixed a game compromising bug * Fixed Arcade Mode. Enemies would stop coming after you reached a score of 10000 * Fixed Level 10 from continuing on even if your ship died, thus allowing you to beat the game even if you were dead * Increased difficulty of Arcade Mode [&hellip
Cobra77380 has released a new menu system homebrew application for the Sony PSP. The interface is basically a clone of the iPhone’s, is displayed sideways and allows for custom icons and comes with some already installed. Thanks to brakken / http://www.tehskeen.com for the news, the news text and the illustration picture
This tool allows you to modify PSPBTCNF BIN files (pspbtjnf.bin, pspbtknf.bin, pspbtlnf.bin)
PSPiton is a simple application which will help you downgrading/upgrading your PSP to the firmware you need for your games. It also contains alot of real usefull information of other good apps/homebrew, such as CWCheat, Ultimate PSPTube and their links
A game at the Disco theme of 60 years. Turn on the game, took the appropriate language (English or French). Let you carry by the images and the music scrolls. The news origin from http://www.pspgen.com
Over 100 Beautiful and Original Photographs by Bryan Gruver. Created Specifically to Save to your iPhone or iPod Touch to use as WallPaper