FingerMenu replaces the standard menu of windows mobile devices with a more finger-friendly one. Changes: – back navigation with finger (right to left or d-pad left). This action on main menu cause fingermenu to minimize. – d-pad & scroll wheel support (up/down to scroll, left to go back, right or enter to select) – compatibility with .NET apps – new [&hellip
Device Update is an ‘appstore’ type application to automatically download and install from a list of selected applications. Changes: * Added option to use Shell Installer (allows installing to SD card if cabs allow & workaround of WCELOAD errors) * Added option to skip data transfer warning at beginning of app. * Added logic to check if CAB Security policy [&hellip
1Liner is an application that will serve the user one liners, yo mama jokes, jokes by famous people and Chuck Norris jokes. Changes: – Online updater! Now you can update your joke files to get even more jokes! – Changed some code to make it smoother. – Updated HowTo page
MyGamerTag is an XBOX Live friends status application. Changes: * Can run in background * Auto refreshes GamerTags status, using configurable refresh interval * Generates Windows Mobile Notifications when friends come online * Notifications can be Enabled or Disabled * Useability enhancements
SpaceBubble by wplaat is a classic board puzzle game based on bubble breaker. Select multiple bubbles with the same color and destroy them, the more you hit in one the higher score you will get. Changes: – Improve Frame-per-second performance during game play. – Show frame per second information on game screen. – Added information popup windows. – Add 10 [&hellip
Wii Home is a “plugin” for Preloader. Wii Home is a homebrew which launches at startup of the Wii. You can, on the menu, select if you want go to the System Menu or to the HBC. You can also customize Wii Home with a theme of your choice. Changes: Added rumble support. Added possibility to change the font. The [&hellip
Milestone 1 of Fennec is released. It’s an upcomming internet browser for Pocket PC’s
Simple “Fall Down” game for Android powered phones
An updated SDK for Android is out! Release notes: Posted by Dan Morrill, Developer Advocate on 09 February 2009 at 11:25 AM Hello, developers! As you may have heard by now, users around the world have started to receive updates to their Android devices that provide new features and functionality. You may also have noticed that the new update reports [&hellip
RadShell v0.2 is a command line shell for the PS2. Changes: Improved ‘stat’ output Fixed an issue with ‘del’ return values Added the ‘sleep’ command Added the ‘store’ command Added environment variables Added NULL output redirection Initial rsh is dependent on the elf name Thanks to for the news