Archive for April, 2009
FCE Ultra GX v3.0.1 (NES emu for GC)

Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube

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MAME4ALL Wiz (21-04-2009) (Arcade emu for Wiz)

Franxis ported the latest GP2x MAME (v1.6) over to the Wiz. MAME stands for “multiple arcade machine emulator”. This is an early beta version based on MAME4ALL 1.6: – Download and install MAME4ALL for the GP2X. – Remove old files in the ‘frontend’ folder. – Overwrite the executables with the WIZ ones. – It is faster than the GP2X port. [&hellip

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mPlug v0.7.1 (PPC Application)

This small program runs in the background and checks permanant if a headset is connected to the PocketPC. When the headset is removed accidentally or intenional from the PocketPC, the volume will be set to a default value. This should prevent, that you forget to change the volume or to stop the music playing and so your music won’t “annoy” [&hellip

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Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) v6.07 (PPC Application)

Auto Lock (CSDEVCTRL) is another auto locking program which utilizes the Windows Locking for partial locking (phone related keys are active) or complete locking (no keys are active). Changes: 21/04 – v.6.07 – Hot Key support (see pdf in zip for more information)

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MPlayer CE v0.5 (Wii Application)

MPlayer CE is a fork of the Team Twiizers MPlayer Wii port. Changes: SMB now much more robust – thanks to DennisLKJ for smb.c fix libfat cache improved for speed and stability USB ethernet now fixed with USB 1.1; USB 2.0 fix requires an updated cIOS Added ability to manipulate picture using the nunchuck Updated to latest MPlayer revision Now [&hellip

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Wolfenstein 3D Wii v1.00a (Wii Game Port)

Wolfenstein 3D for the Wii. Because Wolfenstein 3D is showing swastika’s during ingame, we can not provide any links as it would be against german law. In particular it would be against paragraph 86 StGB “Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger Organisationen”. Allthough this is just an engine port of Wolfenstein 3D, the game itself is still indexed

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CD Door (10-03-2009) (MHS Application)

This program runs and displays the current status of your CD drive door on the HyperScan

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3D Wireframe Demo (MHS Techdemo)

This is a very simple 3d wireframe cube demo coded by ppcasm

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Bluescale Demo (MHS Techdemo)

Bluescale Demo by wickeycolumbus displays all the shades of blue possible

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Hello World (MHS misc)

ppcasm wrote a “Hello World” for Mattel’s HyperScan. Nothing big but here it is 🙂

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