Archive for August, 2009
SDLcalc v1.0 (Dingoo Linux Application)

Do you need a simple calculator on Dingux? mrLogan makes it possible again!

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gemdropX (24-08-2009) (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

gemdropX, ported to Dingoo Linux by mrLogan

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FBReaderJ v0.5.21 (Android Application)

FBReaderJ is an e-book reader for the Android platform. It is a clone of the FBReader book reader written in Java by the same authors. FBReaderJ supports several e-book formats: oeb, epub, and fb2. Direct reading from zip, tar, and gzip archives is supported

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Gamewatch v0.3 S60 (Symbian OS misc)

This is a generic engine for simulation of Game & Watch games, starting with ports of the Madrigal Game & Watch Simulators ( It is designed to run anywhere SDL is available, with emphasis in handheld machines. Thanks to for the news

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sdlQuake-Dingoo v0.1 (Dingoo Linux Game Port)

sdlQuake-Dingoo is a port of Quake for Dingux (Dingoo Linux) by Dosfish

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lifeWiz v0.0 (Alpha) (Wiz misc)

This is a very quick hack of sdlLife (without the SDL part for now)

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GLQuake v0.2 (Wiz Game Port)

Pickle released GLQuake for the Wiz, it’s a Quake engine using nanoGL wrapper. This new version now works with actual firmwares (1.1.0). You must install the OpenGL libraries! Thanks to for the news

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Dicey v1.1 (Wiz misc)

Ian Price updated Dicey. It’s a dice rolling application that allows the user to choose from up to five rolls of multi-sided dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20) as well as adding bonuses. – Contains Wiz and PX executables. Thanks to for the news

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DSONPSP (Beta 4) (NDS emu for PSP)

Yoshihiro has released a new beta of his Nintendo DS emulator that runs on the Sony PSP. Thanks to for the news

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Hatari v1.1b (Atari ST emu for Dingoo Linux)

John Logan released an new version of his port of Hatari an Atari ST emulator for Wiz. Changes: In mouse mode ‘B’ now actives a right mouse button click. ‘R’ button toggles the dpad between 3 control modes. mouse > joystick > cursor keys Virtual keyboard display current control mode

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