The “Donaukurier” published an interview with EvilDragon, one of the main guys behind the Pandora. The interview is in german language. News Source:
Here are some news from the overseas sales manager Tony Han. Quote: Dear all, The “Video Clip Competition†has been canceled because we simply did not receive any submissions. I would like to apologize for not announcing anything directly after deadline, when the due date arrived – there was still hope to get at least one late entry. It seems [&hellip
The Original Pixelh8 Death Ray Noise Generator is a software running on an unmodified Game Boy, enabling you to be able to control the GB’s board sound
Sprite Combat is a “Rock Paper Scissors”-like game where the user chooses an option between a Sword, Energy Ball and Shield. This version adds fading and improved animations. Thanks to for the news
WiiX-Ball is based on and is dedicated to the fans of the well-known breakout game DX-Ball for the PC. The controls are very simple – just point the Wii remote at the screen to move the paddle and press A or B to fire the ball. You can also twist the Wii remote (as if twisting a key) to slightly [&hellip
DSx86 is a PC emulator for Nintendo DS. It’s purpose is to allow you to run old DOS games on your Nintendo DS game console. Currently DSx86 emulates the following: 80186 processor (which is actually a 80286 processor without the protected mode stuff) MCGA graphics adapter (a stripped-down VGA with a maximum resolution of 320×200) SoundBlaster (including AdLib-compatible FM sounds) [&hellip
“K2 – 029 : Numbering Sucks” by K2 is probably the very first Nintendo DS demo making use of both screens to show 3D objects at the same time. Overall this demo has style and can be called one of the best technical demonstrations for the Nintendo DS so far
Puc McAwesome by SVatG, released at TUM 2009 and ranked 1st in the game development category
X-MAS 2009 is a virtual “X-MAS Greeting Card” by Tiido
Worminator is a sidescrolling action game. You play as The Worminator and fight your way through many levels of madness and mayhem