“Hack To Escape” is a point and click adventure in Spanish language for Nintendo DS. Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12360&f=19 for the news
Retrogaming Times Monthly #76 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things. Content of this issue: ATTRACT MODE * Press Fire To Begin * Retrogaming News THE RETROWORKS * Redefining Retro One More Time * Show Report — 2010 Big Bang * Retrogaming Smackdown THE GAME REVIEW H.Q. * Apple II Incider – Oregon Trail [&hellip
Retrogaming Times Monthly #75 is available. RTM is a retro magazine, sometimes with focus on homebrew things. Content of this issue: ATTRACT MODE * Press Fire To Begin * Retrogaming News THE RETROWORKS * Show Report — California Extreme 2010 THE GAME REVIEW H.Q. * Mutated Output: Few Sparks As Lights Dim At Radio Shack * The Homebrew Sleuth: Battle [&hellip
LuaFWii is a Lua interpretor for Wii. Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12376&f=54 for the news
In year 20XX, aliens came to Earth to invade us humans. Instead of showing massive artillery, they sent viruses to infect and kill all populations. A few people could hide themselves in caves to prepare for counterstrike. Scientists created NanoMechas to fight infections from within the contamined people. Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12386&f=54 for the news
WiiPeng is a two player Pong game for Wii. Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12388&f=54 for the news
Scape is a puzzle game inspired by “World of Goo”. Thanks to http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12402&f=54 and http://wii.scenebeta.com/noticia/scape for the news
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for JME and JSE, with string, table, package, math, io, os, debug, coroutine & luajava libraries, JSR-233 bindings, all metatags, weak tables and unique direct lua-to-java-bytecode compiling
Tetra Master is a remake of a mini card game which can be found in Final Fantasy IX. Changes: – Added the ability to remove profile blocks – Added the stats feature to buying a card – fixed save/load problems – fixed the next duel glitch – fixed the selling card glitch in the card viewer – upgraded some code
Yabause Wii is a Sega Saturn emulator for Wii and is the first of its kind as emulating the complex processes of the Sega Saturn is much harder then it looks and now even harder to run it on the limited hardware of the Wii. Changes: add special color calculation mode (blend colors) thread audio and increase buffer some minor [&hellip