Archive for June, 2011
NXEngine v1.0.0.2 (Pandora misc)

NXEngine is a clone/engine-rewrite of the classic jump-and-run platformer Cave Story

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Battle for Wesnoth v1.9.7.1 (Pandora Game Port)

The Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game with a fantasy theme. Build up a great army, gradually turning raw recruits into hardened veterans. In later games, recall your toughest warriors and form a deadly host against whom none can stand! Choose units from a large pool of specialists, and hand-pick a force with the right strengths to fight [&hellip

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SaveGame Manager GX (R106) (Wii Application)

SaveGame Manager GX by dj_skual allows you to extract/install SaveGames and Miis from/to your Wii; data.bin files not supported. It allows savegames to be copied from the Wii to an SD card, including savegames that cannot normally be copied from the system menu. It is a modification of the Savegame Manager from Waninkoko. Unlike Savegame Manager, Savegame Manager GX has [&hellip

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VectrexWii v0.2 (Vectrex emu for Wii)

VectrexWii is a Wii port of Vecx, a Vectrex emulator written by Valavan Manohararajah. ROMs must be placed within a folder named vec at the root of either SD or USB. The file extension must be .vec

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Watch the Balloon v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Use the direction buttons to control the balloon to its target base, without hitting the flowers. Two buttons can be touched simultaneously to create a diagonal movement

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CosmosCraft v1.0 (iPhone Game)

Drive your spacecraft and avoid rocks. You can destroy rocks using your powerful weapon. Survive as long as possible

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ModRana v0.25.7.0 (Pandora Application Port)

ModRana is a flexible navigation system. Changes: No changelog given

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Button TesterWii v0.81 (Wii Application)

Button TesterWii is an application allowing you to test the functionality of buttons on various Wii input devices. The program itself is in German only. Thanks to for the news

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Livingstone Supongo (14-06-2011) (NDS Game)

Livingstone Supongo is a remake of the Spanish game with the same name, originally released by Opera Soft S.A. The game has been remade by Spanish developer prizzio. Thanks to for the news

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Lightweight2 v1.11.0.1 (Pandora Application)

Lightweight2 is a very “leightweight”/minimalistic browser for the Pandora and possibly other systems. Changes: – Refacored settings-system to be able to use different backends – Removed old bookmark-loading – Tabselector: Made image clickable – Fixed wrong position of hover-url and progress-bar when URLbar is visible – On close: Ask user if we have unfinished downloads or multiple tabs open – [&hellip

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