Archive for February, 2017
FBI v2.4.8 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS. Discussion via GBAtemp. Changes: * Fall back to region-based language if a title does not have a name for the current system language. * Treat .cetk files as tickets. * Fix self-overwrite check when FBI has a different unique ID. * Fix TWL cartridges being [&hellip

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Snakes v0.2.5 (3DS Game)

Desynched updated Snakes. It’s a snake game for up to eight local players, which makes it something very special to currently existing 3DS homebrew releases. Release notes: This means there are 1 – 3 bot opponents with customizable difficulty settings to play against! You can also use Autopilot if you want to watch the game play itself, or want everyone [&hellip

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ctrmus v0.4.10 (3DS Application)

ctrmus is a music player for the Nintendo 3DS. For now it plays PCM WAV, AIFF, FLAC, Opus and MP3 files. Due to limitations in ctrulib, only ASCII characters are displayed correctly. Other characters will appear garbled, but functionality is not affected. Changes: * Fixed an issue whereby the console would flash whilst browsing files. * Files are sorted in [&hellip

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SNES9x 3DS v1.00 (SNES emu for 3DS)

SNES9x for 3DS is a high-compatibility SNES emulator for your old 3DS / 2DS. It runs many games at full speed (60 fps). It supports games that use CX4 chip (Megaman X2/X3), and the SDD-1 chip (Star Ocean, Super Street Fighter 2 Alpha). It can also play games that use the SuperFX chip (Yoshi’s Island, etc) but they run with [&hellip

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Super Office Stress v1.13.0.03 (Pandora Game Port)

Super Office Stress by Sos Sosowski is an action roguelike where you have to climb your way to the top of big corporation. By the way you need to make use of any office equipment you can find by eating throwing and equipping it. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb. Changes: – no changelog yet

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Gravity Bone v1.1.0.02 (Pandora Game Port)

Gravity Bone is a short freeware game based on a modified Quake2 engine. To make it in Nuevos Aires, one needs nerves of silk and the filthiest of hands. Mix together a batch of espionage, some high- speed car chases, fire-spewing assassins, and you’ve got one oven that’ll never bake cookies again. We provide the pliers and you bring the [&hellip

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Powder v0.118.beta3.3 (Pandora Game Port)

POWDER is a Rogue-like game, which is not a port of an existing Rogue-like. It is built around re-playability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. Changes: – Removed SDL mouse cursor (thanks alxm for his help) – Added this patch to the src directory

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The Retro Hour EP59 – Scott Adams – The Father of Adventure Games (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK. Content: We talk about the dawn of home computers and games with the legendary Scott Adams, founder of Adventure International.

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Tetrix v1.8 (Android Game)

Tetrix (previously known as Cylinder) is an Android game by Franz Lankes. Take a very famous Russian block game and instead of lines, try to produce those lines around a cylinder. Voila! Changes: * More levels * Music can be turned off * Points are being counted * Improved fonts

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Hanoi (Atari Lynx Game)

Hanoi is a brand new Atari Lynx game by rygar and vince. As the name of the game suggests it’s a Hanoi Towers game. The game will be ready in March or April. If you are interested in a physical copy, you can already reach out to rygar via the AtariAge webboards

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