Archive for February, 2018
FBI v2.5.0 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS. Discussion via GBAtemp. Release notes: * Clean up various bits of core code. * Fix font size on CHN/KOR/TWN devices. * HTTP operations now support gzip/deflate compression, which should reduce bandwidth usage when supported by the server. * Load file metadata after populating full list. [&hellip

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Nomolos: Storming the CATsle (NES Game)

Gradual Games offer their first NES game Nomolos: Storming the CATsle for free as well! If you love this game too, please consider buying a physical cartridge starting from 35US$! Watch this video on YouTube

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The Legends of Owlia (NES Game)

Gradual Games are generous and offer their NES Game The Legends of Owlia for free! If you love the game, please consider buying a physical cartridge starting from 35US$! You can also purchase the game via Steam. Watch this video on YouTube

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2 Way Scroll Engine (NES Techdemo)

2 Way Scroll Engine is exactly what it does. Douglas Fraker is trying out new stuff for a possible great new game. Watch this video on YouTube

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Flap Happy v2018.02.23 (WIP) (NES Game)

Ryan Carson has some progress news on Flap Happy. Quote: Putting together some bits for the 256 egypt levels on Flap Happy tonight. Glyphs, snakes and cacti, check! #nesdev #gamedev #nes #asm

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Carrot Kingdom v2018.02.22 (WIP) (A2600 Game)

Jinroh will increase the ROM storage for his game Carrot Kingdom for the Atari 2600. Quote: Good news #CarrotKingdom Fans! I’m bumping up the cartridge to 32K! HUGE! I’ll be able to add a bunch of other things still fully fleshed out bosses, maybe MUSIC? and more levels of course!

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Setting Up SGDK in Visual Studio Code (Genesis misc)

Ohsat writes about setting up Code::Blocks as IDE for Mega Drive development!

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Video: Top 5 GBA Homebrew Games! (GBA misc)

Finnbro shows us his Top 5 GBA Homebrew Games! Do you agree with his selection? Top 5 GBA Homebrew Games! Watch this video on YouTube

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Fruit’Y v2018.02.22 (WIP) (Switch Game Port)

nop90 is currently experimenting to bring Fruit’Y to the Nintendo Switch. We will keep you updated! The game consists of two boards of fruits. The left field belongs to a cute tiger who needs to reproduce the right field 1:1 being able to proceed to the next level. Fruit'Y – Playing With Edibles | by Retroguru (Official Trailer) Watch this [&hellip

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Tanglewood – Developer Interview (Genesis misc)

Juicy Game Reviews had the chance to talk with team member Matt about their platformer Tanglewood

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