scraft released Flash0mega. Release notes: Here’s my new PSP software: the unbricker Flash0mega! It is a unbricker PSP with a simple graphical interface rather cute
loicdu28 released his first homebrew for PlayStation Portable Gaming Tool. Release notes: This homebrew consists of two parts: – Games – Utilities 1 Games: In the version I will show you there are exactly 4 games. A Tetris, a pong, a tic-tac-toe and a minesweeper 2 Utilities: For the moment there is a MP3 player and a clock
Torch has updated Hold Plus, it’s a Battery Saver Plugin for PlayStation Portable. Changes: – Completely overhauled the plugin to work using only the SysCon functions based on Booster’s example. – The prevention of accidental suspend was changed to Booster’s method as that is more efficient. – In Display Off mode, pressing the Screen button to return to normal no [&hellip
simonthemaster released an unofficial patch for Xplora v1.6. With Xplora you can simply explore the Memory Stick and with possibility to copy, delete or create files and folders. Changes: + Added support for 5.00 M33 (“GAME5XX” folder) for the application “Homebrew sorter” + Added support for german language file
MoCap by Mr305 is a motion capture software for PlayStation Portable. Release notes: This is a motion capture & depiction software for PSP that shows Real Time 2d representation of motion (as reported by Motion Kit). Features Smooth recognition with ability to toggle the Motion Sensitivity, colors, pointing/drawing mode, screenshot functionality(currently broken). It is so well written that you can [&hellip
PDF viewer based on MuPDF library, way faster than PDFView. Changes: – Reduced batteries consumption when being idle, because the application no longer does busy waiting for events. – Slightly faster zooming, since I removed a redundant page reload that was only needed when changing pages. – Zooming now recalls the position on text it was displaying, so it doesn’t [&hellip
Radzh released a demo of his puzzle game Cosmo2x. Release notes: Space adventure puzzle for the brilliant GP2X handheld. Well, it’s techno-demo actually. Survival mode only, no weapons, two different kinds of monsters, one kind of mines only. Unlimited undo, stylus or joystick input. Kill ’em all before ’em kill you. Save the Earth kinda
This program is designed to prepare your PSP Memory Stick to be used with the Pandora Battery. Unfortunately this program can not change your Battery to Pandora, however it will copy programs to the Memory Stick in order for you to do this yourself. Changes: – Revert back to style of compression used in v2.3 for 64-bit compatibility. – Removed [&hellip
smallHex is a hexeditor for Playstation Portable by Xeeynamo. Changes: – Software completely rewritten and optimized – Added flash0 (read), flash1 (read&write), flash2 (read) and UMD (read) support (SQUARE) – Added in file manager the current path – Added a key to return at root (TRIANGLE) – Extended the Undo function – Added Search function (HEX/DEC 8/16/32 BIT UN/SIGNED) – [&hellip
Wii Web Server is a simple Web-Server for the Wii. Still it’s in very early stages of development and at present can only display a built in test page. Changes: – Recompiled for HBC 9 beta – Now has a sane download name