TUcS is a Puzzle/Plattform Game for GP2X and WIZ, it’s written in GLBasic. Changes: + Partial REWRITTEN of movement routine for increase speed (gain of 200%, TURBO mode) + Menu options saved on program exit + Update Volume control (BETA2) + Fixed some game tile positions + restored some graphics + some minor fix + First code optimization
SX and Plombo released an official port of the OpenBOR (aka Beats of Rage) beat em up game engine for the Nintendo Wii
Win2X is an alternative frontend for the Wiz, that points in improving users experience over the default Wiz frontend. Changes: – Fixed calendar time set – Improved shutdown command – Added desktop icons description – Other visual and functional improvements If you have v2.1 installed,run “upgrade.gpe”(this will keep your current settings). Otherwise, run “install.gpe” for a fresh and clean installation. [&hellip
TowerDefense is an classic 2D action game. Protect your base with all kind of defense systems and kill all the waves of enemies. If ten enemies reach the base the game is over. Changes: 22-01-2010 Version 0.93 GUI: – Added weapon fire mode information on weapon help screen. – Improve weapon reload delay initialisation. – Added donate screen. – Bugfix: [&hellip
SoundEffects allows you to play six pre-definied sounds. Changes: – Added 16 more sounds – A menu – Category’s
In Knytt Stories, each level is its own little adventure. Knytt Stories is a 2D platform game. Quote: We have been porting a platform game, “Knytt Stories”, for the Nintendo DS for more than a year and a half. A few days ago we released the beta version. A few minutes ago, I opened the source with the New BSD [&hellip
Baro is working on a Legend of Zelda like game. Quote: Hello you guys! I don’t know if you remember this from the old board. It’s Tanuki Tail, a Legend of Zelda style game I’m developing. The thing is still in progress and there’s still a lot of things to do in the engine until I start making the actual [&hellip
Just see if your EyeQ is as high as Einsteins IQ. Give it a try an improve your score. The more you play, the better you get
POWDER is a roguelike game, which is not a port of an existing roguelike. It is built around replayability and long term ergonomics, not short term learning. Author of this piece of software is Jeff Lait. POWDER Wii has been ported by insin. Changes: Updated to version 112 of POWDER, see the POWDER releases page for changes. Note: While the [&hellip
Zear has released a port of Yeti3D for the Dingoo. Quote: This is a dynamically linked port of yeti3d to the Dingoo Linux. Source included. Installation: Simply copy the yeti3d directory somewhere on your filesystem and run the executable