Below are Andre's Articles:
Outlook Email Scheduler v0.5 (Beta) (PPC Application)

Email Scheduler is just that, an email scheduler

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Puzzle Boom v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Radzh released the famous “Fifteen puzzle” for GP2x

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Micro Lua DS v2.0 (Beta) (NDS Application)

Micro Lua DS by Risike allows you to launch Lua scripts on a Nintendo DS. Changes: – Displaying is about 3X FASTER! – Some syntax changes (see “syntax changes.txt”) – Adding a Canvas system. You can now create a Canvas, adding some objects inside like lines, rectangles, images…etc. Then call Canvas.draw function to draw all items. This method is aboute [&hellip

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Fast Scroll Music (Beta 2) (PSP Application)

Fast Scroll Music increases the vertical scrolling speed of the XMB by around 50%. Changes: Now only activates when the music player is open. When you open another part of the XMB, it will deactivate and the M33 VSHMenu will be restored. VSHMenu will not work while in the music player. Changed name to “Fast Scroll Music&#

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WiiTCPLoadGUI v0.02a (Wii misc)

With WiiTCPLoadGUI we can easily make connection with Homebrew/TCPLoader Channel and stream binary files, it’s write in c++ using Qt4 library, supported platforms: Windows 32bit/64bit (64bit future), Linux x86/x86_64 and MacOSX x86. Changes: Now windows version should work correctly

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2Dart v0.6 (NDS Game)

ErrorA has updated his Dart game 2Dart for Nintendo DS. Changes: Scorekeeping mode In first menu, choose NO at the question “Play darts on DS?” Dartgame mode In first menu, choose YES at the question “Play darts on DS?” Left/right-handed user mode In first menu, and you can use the select button to switch during a game 301 and 501 [&hellip

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Pong2 v0.3 (Wii Game)

Pong2 by wplaat is an open-source game based on the original pong game. Release notes: – First release for public us. – Add nice start screen. – Ball speed can be controlled by A and B buttons. – 10 tracks of background music added van be controlled by 1 and 2 buttons

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Custom Firmware Extender v3.0 (PSP misc)

Cpasjuste updated his Custom Firmware Extender. Quote: After a lof of work, here is a new release of cfe, designed for PSP SLIM

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GeeXboX v0.1 (Alpha4) (Wii Application)

GeeXboX is an open-source media center software. Changes: – Revert libswscale to fix GOOM audio visual rendering; – Improve GOOM audio visual performance; – Improve performance in lowering subtitle mode; – Make lowering subtitles work with DVD-VIDEO; – Make lowering subtitles work with on-the-fly aspect ratio change; – Support for optional mounting .nrg (DVD only) and .iso image file; – [&hellip

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TouchLaunch v0.04 (PPC Application)

TouchLaunch is simple application launcher, which scans start menu shortcuts, and list them alphabetically. Kind of similar to Scoll Launcher but this has new quick alphabetic scroll function. Changes: +icon support ( iconpacks ) +custom support +shortcut categories +replace folderview.exe function ( and also undo function ) +lot of bugs fixed +skin change is much much faster +customfolder support, for [&hellip

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