A Pokedex application by wabsta. Features: – First 9 Pokémon are viewable. – Scroll through them using buttons, or touchscreen. – Different descriptions for different regions. – Switch through the regions using buttons on the touchscreen. – Description, name, number, and type is shown for every pokémon. – A main menu, however, due a bug, you can’t go back from [&hellip
Crayon has updated his Tic Tac Toe game for Nintendo Wii. Changes: – Wii light is turn on when writing to SD card – Wordwrap function – A different hover color for player 1 – Fixed finger weird behaviour on screen edge – Fade out when exiting game
MPlayerWii is an audio/video player. It is a native port of the MPlayer media player. It will play almost any kind of audio file but still needs improvement on video playback. Changes: – fixed screen color depth/banding issues (uses code from dhewg’s mplayer port) – added progress bar osd display during seek/volume on videos
Here is an attempt to bring Google Maps to the PSP with a simple interface. This program is not using the Google Maps API (except for address search), it is retrieving the images directly. Changes: have just released PSP-Maps version 2.0, which introduces GPS support. – added basic PSP-290 GPS support – removed the spash screen – cheat for sky/moon/mars [&hellip
HomebrewModder released a modified version of Hangman for the PSP Release notes: I modded PSPwner’s Hangman game’s data to make it fit under these categories: Nintendo (n64, wii, gba, ds) Sony (PSX, PS2, PS3, PSP) Linux (top operating systems) XBOX (old, 360) and PSP Homebrew (the best). They are all separate games and are very fun to play. Just be [&hellip
HomebrewModder released a modified version of Battle Monsters. Release notes: I have modded titch.ryan’s battle monsters game to make it a Legend of Dragoon battle card game. all thanks goes to him for coding the game. I have enjoyed all of the time i have spent cropping 70+ pictures to perfectly fit the card and deleting the text in all [&hellip
Touhou DS by Spuzkaizer is a Shoot Em Up game for Nintendo DS. Changes: bugfixes: – Fixed a memory leak in the parser. Some temporary memory wasn’t released correctly which caused the program to run out of memory prematurely. – Using the restart button several times caused the game to hang. This doesn’t happen anymore now the memory leak in [&hellip
DS Visual Novel Reader is a visual novel reader for Nintendo DS. Changes: * bugfix: setimg didn’t work for images taller than 192 pixels * bugfix: skip function doesn’t ignore endscript anymore * bugfix: now creates a save folder if one didn’t exist * Rewrote sprite-drawing code to improve performance Thanks to www.ds-scene.net for the news
Web Video Downloader can download .flv or .mp4 videos from various web sites. Changes: Try to fix the starting crashes (Catch exceptions when loading background and pictures)
A Visual Task switcher in the style of Dynamo3. Changes: – there is a scan for active windows at the first start of the app – Gesture control. You can now scroll up/down by screen gesture if there are more windows than there is space on the screen – names of the window are shown over the pictures – improved [&hellip