The Labyrinth by seanpaul223 is a little brew game with no scenario. You just have to quickly find the way to the exit. Labyrinth is a Lua Coded Homebrew which uses RayCasting Engine to draw 3D scenes
Mankind’s oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it’s up to you to stop them. They have one weakness – they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world. How to play: – Numbers have to be on [&hellip
Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2. Changes: – Updated to VBA-M r847 – Corrected sound interpolation – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Fixed a bug with [&hellip
Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2. Changes: – Updated to VBA-M r847 – Corrected sound interpolation – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Fixed a bug with [&hellip
Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. Changes: – Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12 – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Changed GameCube controller back [&hellip
Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube. Changes: – Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12 – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Changed GameCube controller back [&hellip
Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again. Changes: – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes Discussion: http://www.tehskeen.com/forums/showthread.php?t
Michniewski and Tantric updated their SNES9x port to Wii and Gamecube once again. Changes: – Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache – Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick – Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes Discussion: http://www.tehskeen.com/forums/showthread.php?t
SpiderDave is working on Splatter Castle, it’s a Castlevania style platform game for Nintendo Wii. Quote: Splatter castle is a platform game for Wii. Development is still early. Use at your own risk
Picodrive by Notaz is a Genesis/MegaDrive and SegaCD emulator for Wiz