Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level. Features: – 12 Levels – Randomly Generated GFX Of Different Colours On Each Run – Seven Different Game Modes – Highscores – Sound Effects And Music From The Original Game
Boomshine2x is a relaxing game where the aim is to cause a chain reaction of explosions to complete each level. Changes: I have released Boomshine2x 1.1 for the GP2x. The new version features improved graphics by Ruckage, a near complete re-write of the games code and various bits and bobs like the ability for F200/Wiz users to sign their name [&hellip
PSPDictionary is a multilinguage dictionary for PSP, with online functionalities. Changes: In this, I’ve added the support for Yahoo! Babel Fish, so now is possible to translate also phrases
Rajveer released a demo of his racing game Futuracer. Quote: For those of you who remember my first demo Futuristic Racer (and also for those who don’t!) here is the second version of my furutistic racing demo, Futuracer (yes, still very badly named 🙂
Wii Quizz is a homebrew quiz game. Changes: – Add Spanish support – Add Catalan support – The music starts at the menu of choice of language – Add new music – Add save system (WiiQuizz.cnf at the root of the SD/SDHC) – Add settings in the save (Merci Ac_K !) – Add settings menu to modify the save (version [&hellip
MWeston uploaded a video of the first Pandora in action. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MaIQYHd23A Quote: Here is a Pandora prototype in action. No more bare PCB for this guy 🙂 Thanks to Guyfawkes for the news
loadMii by The lemon man is a small but powerful loader which can run executables from any source (wifi is in todo list) and run it. Changes: Added smb support, code cleanup
Renegade is a simple FPS in 3D from scratch with a Quake model to shoot at. It is still in development but uses scripts for the level layout and enemy positioning. The map is a bmp colour map. It is being made with easy upgrades in mind… Release notes: Hopefully, this is a good version…. still work in progress, lots [&hellip
bootlegger updated NDSpirit Level for Nintendo DS. Quote: OK now Version 0.6 – updated with beta DSerial code. Using example code from someone elses demos, but am confused on potential readings. Anyone with a DSerial card please try and advise me if this works or not! Seems form what I can gather looking at the source that the zero level [&hellip
yagero released an alpha version of Glubies Planet. Quote: We are four students in an engineering school IMAC (Image, Multimedia, Audiovisual Communication). We want to specialize in various fields, management sound design, passing course in programming, and we all have a passion for video games. Under a project supervisor we decided to make a game for Nintendo DS. It’s called [&hellip