Stella is a port of Stella for the GCW Zero by alekmaul. Stella emulates an Atari VCS system.
Stella is a port of Stella for the GCW Zero by alekmaul. Stella emulates an Atari VCS system.
RACE! (Rather A Cardfighter Emulator) is an open source Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator. Ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
RACE! (Rather A Cardfighter Emulator) is an open source Neo Geo Pocket (Color) emulator. Ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
Noiz2sa by Kenta Cho is an abstract shoot’em up game. Control your ship and avoid the barrage. A ship becomes slow while holding the slowdown key. A green star is the bonus item. A score of the item(displayed at the left-up corner) increases if you get items continuously. Ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
Noiz2sa by Kenta Cho is an abstract shoot’em up game. Control your ship and avoid the barrage. A ship becomes slow while holding the slowdown key. A green star is the bonus item. A score of the item(displayed at the left-up corner) increases if you get items continuously. Ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
ProSystem is an Atari 7800 emulator ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
ProSystem is an Atari 7800 emulator ported to GCW Zero by alekmaul.
colecOD is a ColecoVision emulator by alekmaul for the GCW Zero.
colecOD is a ColecoVision emulator by alekmaul for the GCW Zero.