Category: Android
OpenIntents v0.1.1 (Android misc)

Imagine your Android “cookbook” application tells you to buy eggs, ginger, and cardamom, your “birthday reminder” application suggests you to buy a blue tulip (for a friend who loves the color blue), and your computer at home notifies your mobile phone that the color cartridge of your printer is almost empty. Would you like to receive three notifications by three different programs next time you are close to a supermarket? Or rather have them all store that information in your central shopping list? (by the way, your internet auction application that watches the central shopping list has already found an interesting offer for that blue tulip…)

Imagine you have to specify for a handful of programs (the favorite “ring-tone selector” application, your “answering machine”, your “smart to-do list”, your “calendar”, your “work time log”, …) where your “home”, your “office”, “gym”, “music school”, etc. is located by specifying the latitude and longitude or the corresponding street address for each of these applications. Would you not rather have a central place for your favorite locations that all applications can easily share?

(Many more ideas can be found on our list of ideas)

Keep your one great idea a secret that could make you win the Android Developer Challenge, but share those obvious and common ideas that you encounter while implementing and that you think could be used in many other applications as well. We will develop the most-required components together (e.g. a central shopping list), so you can concentrate on implementing your core idea (e.g. the weight-watching cookbook) while having interoperability with many other great OpenIntents applications built in right from the start.

Join this project if you have great ideas to share or if you are a good developer and look for a low-risk project.

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Scrambled Net v1.1 (Android Game)

This is a port of the KDE game “knetwalk”, by Andi Peredri, Thomas Nagy, and Reinhold Kainhofer. Ported to Android by Ian Cameron Smith (headstay); released under GPL. Includes MTRandom by David Beaumont, released under LGPL.

The player is given a network diagram with the parts of the network randomly rotated; he/she must rotate them to connect all the terminals to the server.

Scrambled Net detects the screen size of the device it’s running in, and configures the board appropriately. This makes the game a bit easier on smaller phones — we don’t want to make the cells too small, because it’s difficult to tap on a tiny cell on a phone’s touchscreen. Portrait and landscape phones are handled automatically.

Tile rotation is smoothly animated; highlighted tiles show the user’s progress.

The game is designed to be usable with 12-key keypad or QWERTY keypad, or by tapping the screen.

The game has 5 difficulty levels; the first 3 use different board sizes; then wrap-around is introduced for “Master” level; then “Insane” level adds invisible cells. In case you’re wondering, yes, I can solve “Insane” puzzles, usually in 10-12 minutes on a large (HVGA) phone.

Release notes:

New in 1.1: selecting cells with the arrow keys now wraps around. There is no high-score tracking as yet. The game has not been tested on an actual phone.

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DroidDraw r1b4 (Android misc)

DroidDraw is a graphical user interface (GUI) builder for the Android platform.

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DroidDraw r1b3 (Android misc)

DroidDraw is a graphical user interface (GUI) builder for the Android platform.

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Monolith Android (02-01-2008) (Android Game)

Monolith Android is a 3D tetris like game for the android mobile phone platform. The code is based on the SDK samples of the Android SDK. The intent is to create a fun to play game, and familiarize with the rich API of the android platform. The game uses openGL ES to render the graphics. As well as the classic tetris-like gameplay, the game provides additional game modes, “Dizzy” and “Monolith”. The Monolith name derives from the fact that the matrix that the game is played in, looks a bit like a monolith from the film “2001 a Space Odyssey”.

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CallFreq (Android Application)

CallFreq is a new generation of a phone dialer. It intelligently analyzes the calling patterns of an Android communicator user and provide you only with the contacts that you currently need most.

The current release of CallFreq allows the user to locate the contacts with whom (s)he communicated most over the last time period and instantly dial them:

– On the HOUR screen, contacts that user spoke to most often during the last 60 minutes are displayed.
– On the DAY screen, contacts that user spoke to most often during the last 24 hours are displayed.
– On the WEEK screen, contacts that user spoke to most often during the last 7 days are displayed.
– On the MONTH screen, contacts that user spoke to most often during the last 30 days are displayed.

Future releases of CallFreq will also allow to use predictive contact analysis and use advanced calling functions.

Thanks to for the news.

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Metosphere v0.4 (Alpha) (Android Application)

Metosphere is a browser to view virtual objects and information around your location.

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AndroidCalc v0.3 (Android Application)

AndroidCalc is a simple calculator application for the Android Platform.

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DroidDraw r1a24 (Android misc)

DroidDraw is a graphical user interface (GUI) builder for the Android platform.

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Positron v0.4 (Alpha) (Android Application misc)

Android instrumentations are powerful tools for automating android applications and make a nice fit for automated acceptance testing.

Positron provides an instrumentation and some support classes to help writing acceptance tests. It is provided as a jar that gets bundled with your application.

Right now acceptance tests are written in junit. Support for running scripts from resources is planned…

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