This DS library implements the Linux ROMFS file system for reading a pre-made boot romdisk. To create a romdisk image, you will need the program”genromfs”. This program was designed for Linux but can compile under Cygwin.”, included is a prebuilt mingw windows binary.This was derived/ported from KOS 1.3.x from the Dreamcast KallistiOS. Included is a simple FS test which demonstrates reading a couple of files from the romdisk, and then it displays the directory structure.For more information about using the filesystem checkout the fs.h file for the proper api calls, which are all very similiar to standard stdio calls. Also included is some stdio newlib stubs that call the kosFS for better stdio support but so far Ihavent figure out how to port those into the existing devkitpro / libnds configuration.
eSwan has been updated. It emulates Bandai’s Wonderswan/Color. Thanks to PSP-Wiki for the news.
This browser for the PSP has been updated. You can download it by following the link below.
Magic Maze is a conversation of a Ravensburger board game called”Labyrinth”. Regarding the author it’s his first LUA game, and badly written, but it’s already working. Right now, you can only play with 4 human players and the game has no end (endless).
efegea has released a port of SMS Plus SDL to the GP2x. For now there is NO rom selector which means you must name your rom”rom.sms”. The source is available too.
X-pired is an action-puzzle game written in C using SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image and SDL_gfx libraries distributed under the terms of GNU GPL. The goal of the game in each level is to reach the exit square, avoiding exploding barrels and other deadly stuff.
After several people asked me, if I could make a Button-Swapper for 2.0, I finally decided to make PSPset for 2.0. Unfortunately there are still some problems and I cant write into flash0. But that will be corrected until the next version. Until now you can only swap buttons. The new PSPset for 2.0 called PSPsetX. Attention: If you do Button-Swapping all your settings get lost. 1. Restorte factory settings before using x-o swapper.
F.O.S.K. is the Fast On-Screen Keyboard-based TEXT EDITOR requiring only two (!) keystrokes to enter any character. The on-screen QWERTY keyboard is divided into 7 blocks, each one with a square shape, containing 3×3=9 on-screen buttons (therefore icon.png .) The first keystroke selects such a block, while the second one takes one of the nine chars inside the block. More details in this thread:
Image provided by: EvilDragonWub is still working on his S.E.U.C.K. (Shoot’Em Up Construction Kit) for the GP32. It will allow you to build your own shooters WITHOUT coding skills.,0,0,0,30,730
This is an upcomming text editor for the GP2x. Judging from the comments it doesn’t work on hardware yet, so expect a fixed version soon.