Category: Pocket PC
iContact Avian Edition is a branch of iContact, specifically branched from iContact Burt Edition, after Burt ceased development. In case you haven’t heard of it before, iContact is a replacement contacts manager with many finger friendly features.
iContact is designed to be an all-inclusive finger-friendly contact manager for Windows Mobile PocketPC phones.
Release notes:
– First Avian Edition
– Compiled using Visual Studio 2008 with increased compiler optimizations – hopefully faster performance
– Fixed bug where if you leave the iContact window while dragging using the windows task bar, the scrolling freezes until clicked in again
– New unified QVGA/VGA installer
– New installer preserves settings from previous installations, if desired
– New installer detects the screen width and automatically applies QVGA or VGA settings
– New default VGA skin from Lycox – DiamondBlackVGA
– Misc undocumented bug fixes between the transition from Burt’s last build to myself (sorry)
FingerSuite replaces standard menu and messagebox of your windows mobile devices.
Watch TV Stream from your PDA, more than 600 channels available!
– Added Greek software translation (Thanks to Angelos_cy from XDA Developers)
– Sometimes, when pressing Exit menu in Config. Dialog, “Save Modif” question was not displayed.
– In Channels Setup Dialog, link with dynamic info was not parsed so where not ‘test’able
– Default Channel icons are now embedded
– Added new Channels and many Channels Icons …
Departure – get & filter train departures for german stations.
unlimited number of stations
each station has its own filters
filter by train name, train direction, station platform
countdown for selected departure
shows if a train is late
kinetic scrolling
This program is not for a hardware button, it is for the button you see on your screen in the upper left corner.
It’s main purpose is to replace the Start Menu with another “launcher” application, allowing to access anyway to the Windows Start Menu by tapping on the right of the Start Button.
MWC3 (Marshall WaitCursor 3) is an application that replaces the default Windows Mobile WaitCursor. It is not a way to skin the existing one (shellres.96.dll), but it is a standalone application that offers a new concept of wait cursors.
S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. It has a CallerID function (but some devices may not work, so please try it first); S2P control plugin; and volume control.
– fixed the system alarm went off automatically in v1.60.
– removed the auto-turn-on “Don’t suspend power” in v1.60 when there is data connection; as it caused power drain.
TitaniumCustomizer (for WM6.5) can “reorder” the app to change the order of the panels of WM6.5’s default today plugin : Titanium.
S2U2 (Slide2Unlock2) is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don’t use your device. It has a CallerID function (but some devices may not work, so please try it first); S2P control plugin; and volume control.
– added option to lock most of the system notifications (alarm, reminder, sms/mms & email notice) when the device is locked. To dismiss the notification on S2U2 (not on the system), either press the Power button or wait for the backlight turns off. There are also options to auto-dismiss the notifications on the system & to show a preview of the SMS/email when locked. When a notification is shown on S2U2, unlock the device (“slide to view”) will open the corresponding application.
– added option to delay the email preview.
Set a longer delay if your device alerts the new email notification much later than the email preview.
– added a command switch -password for iLock2 to trigger the password lock immediately if the password is set.
Run iLock2.exe -password will turn on the password lock immediately no matter how long the “require password” is set.
Append the iLock2 startup link with -password will trigger the password lock immediately after soft-reset.
However, even with this option added, it does not mean S2U2 is a highly secure password lock.
– added the back button in the password entry screen; it shares the same position of the clear button.
– added a small-style clock – “clockS”, included in the clock pack file.
– added option to set up a 2nd clock (both format & clock path).
To switch between the 1st & 2nd clock, tap the clock area.
e.g. switch between digital (clock) & analog (clockA); or between normal & small (clockS).
– added option to set the Vibration LED.
If S2U2 does not vibrate even “Haptic Feedback” is turned on, try to change the value of the Vibration LED;
then turn on or off the “Haptic Feedback” to test it. e.g. the Vibration LED of Omnia is 11.
– added option to show Owner’s Information (name & phone) at the bottom.
– added option to hide All-Day appointment.
– added option to do not lock the TouchFLO 3D.
Enable it if the TouchFLO 3D restarts/quits unexpectedly when S2U2 is running, but the Home key will not be locked as before.
– change the Wallpaper settings in the registry will trigger S2U2 to change it’s wallpaper immediately.
– when save the settings by S2U2 Settings, a setting backup file “S2U2 Settings.reg” will be saved.
– removed option “Power Save” as the power leak problem is found & fixed.
Please read the FAQ if your device still has power leak when running this version.
– removed option “Don’t double check Backlight” as it does not work on some devices.
– removed the command switch -refresh of iLock2 as it does not work in some cases. (actually, it’d been removed since v1.5x)
– fixed the occasional problem that the system hangs on the CallerID screen after rejected an incoming call.
– fixed the occasional problem that the unread count of Flexmail cannot be shown.
– some minor bugs fixed.
MyGamerTag is an XBOX Live friends status application.
Features Added:
* Notification auto closes after 10 seconds
* Notifications have a button to take you to application for further details
* Application will notify you when a new version is available for download.
Bugs Fixed:
* Fixed memory leak
* Performance inprovement for scrolling
* Performance improvement to startup time
* Fixed problem with touch sensitivity on VGA devices
* Improved icon for VGA devices
* Minor tweeks