GameMusicGear is a music application that lets you play some of your favorite music formats like MP3, MIDI, MOD, PSF, SPC, GYM and few mores.
GameMusicGear is a music application that lets you play some of your favorite music formats like MP3, MIDI, MOD, PSF, SPC, GYM and few mores.
PSPoste is an email client for PSP by David Cummings, Ben Biron and Sajeeth Cherian. This version adds IR Keyboard support.
Cave Story PSP is an unofficial remake, currently in early stages, but playable up to the first boss.
Here is a new release of AFKIM (Away From the Keyboard Instant Messenger), the instant messaging application for PSP written by Danzel!
– Improve IR keyboard handler, it’s now usable everywhere (menus & window) !
PSP-PDA is a set of PDA programs including notepad, music player, image viewer, address book, calendar, calculator, and clock.
– Improve IR-keyboard handler !
– Bug fix in theme chooser
(but you need now to restart psp-pda to view the new theme)
– Many bug fix in calendar
– New theme designed by ** Vashts121 **
PSPColem is a ColecoVision Emulator for PSP.
– Save state files are now saved using gzip compression (with STZ as file extention). It’s much faster to save or load states now. You can use gzip or 7-zip to convert old STA to STZ. STA file format is still supported for loading, so you convert your previous saved files inside the emulator.
– Save state dates are displayed in the emulator window (it’s now easier to identify and to load the right save state slot)
– New graphical functions with new smoother render modes. It uses the PSP GPU for rendering, it does not run faster, but it’s a lot smoother.
– Add a new fullscreen option (render mode max)
– Bug fix in Rom file requester
– Multiple keyboard mapping feature (Thanks to Pou-chan) : You can now toggle between three differents keyboard mapping using L/R Trigger keys
ColEm-PSP is a ColecoVision emulator for PlayStation Portable. It’s an initial release.
xero is currently working on a remake of Halo for the PSP. The game is still in demo-stage.
alatnet has ported his Animated Sprite Class/Library from LUA to C++. Not all functions are ported and some functions may have missing code.
This homebrew is based on LUA player concept and allows users to run and try their Python script based on PSPython by Fraca7 – not OSlib.