Category: Playstation Portable
Dark_Devs Team released a first version of their fighting game Battle Fantasy.
In this first version, you can play with Naruto fighting with Goku. The movements are available to jump, punch, kick, teleport, defend and recover energy.
qwikrazor87 updated his game “PSP Lua Connect 4” for Playstation Portable.
– The pieces are now circles instead of squares
– Added an easier to read menu
– Added sound effects for movement and drop
– Added screen shot using D pad Up (default is off)
– To Enable screen shot push analog up
– To Disable screen shot push analog down
Akop Karapetyan updated his Spectrum emulator Fuse PSP.
Bugfix: Tape/disk status icons should no longer clear when switching between emulator and menu
Added tape browser: can now reposition tape location from the System tab (if a tape is loaded)
Added tape rewinding, playback (System tab)
Added an option to enable/disable tape traps (fixes games like splATTR)
Added program counter (PC) display – enable/disable in the Options tab
Thanks to for the news.
Netfront Internet Browser – HighMemoryMod tried to allocate more RAM on your PSP for you.
-Selection of the destination directory problem is now fixed.
-Used memory is always max. (Not Automatic).
-Now it at the startup it will show the max memory which will be used.
-The code is cleaned.
-New interface at startup and exit.
-Added a music and good theme to the EBOOT. (Thanks to Mazide).
-EBOOT is now smaller. (Thanks to Mazide)
-You can now exit the browser from the HOME button.
-“Free RAM” func.
Here comes another Pokemon fan game, this one by dragon0010.
Release notes:
after finally checking out pokemon ranger, it kinda inspired me to make my own version of that type of battle system. and after a few months of working on it(this would be my 2nd actual lua game) i finally came up with an early beta version here is a short little video of my progress so far and download link if anyone is interested YouTube – Pokemon battle evolution (first beta)
This is PSP Lua Connect Four based on the Milton Bradley Connect Four. It is played using the Lua Player v0.20.
Ultimate VSH Menu is an Ultimate VSH Menu like the M33 VSH Menu with different features!
– Ultimate VSH Menu is now BUGFREE
– Compatible with the plugin Game Categories
– Compatible with cxmb
– Compatible on psp slim
– Load recovery menu work now on all psp
– It don’t move automatically more
– Don’t hide Ultimate VSH Menu on PSP store
– If you use a ctf theme, the mac addresse don’t show on Chinese
– Don’t show the battery serial, if you’ve got a psp slim TA-88 or TA-85 v2
– It hook the vshctrl to hide M33 VSH Menu, so Ultimate VSH Menu work, if you have “Use VshMenu” on “enabled”
– Added on installer a uninstall function
PSPLBreakout2 is a polished Breakout/Arkanoid style game for PSP.
Thanks to for the news.
Akop Karapetyan updated his Spectrum emulator Fuse PSP.
– Added on-screen indicators for floppy and tape drives – enable in the Options tab
– Fuse updated to; libspectrum updated to
– Source: ‘aux’ directory has been renamed, and source code can now be checked out under Windows
– Bugfix: held keys will be automatically released when the virtual keyboard is displayed
– Bugfix: Older (pre-0.10) will now load
– Bugfix: Multiple simultaneous L+[button] and R+[button] combination presses will now register correctly
Thanks to for the news.