Category: Symbian OS
SymTorrent is the first and currently only one BitTorrent client for Symbian OS. It supports downloading multiple torrents at the same time, is capable of both downloading and uploading and can save the status of your unfinished torrents, so you can resume the downloads after restarting the application. You can also check the status of each file inside a torrent along with several other statistics and properties during download.
Currently, SymTorrent is available for mobile devices based on the S60 Platform 3rd edition. Supported phone models include all recently released Symbian OS based phones, such as the Nokia Nseries/Eseries devices and many older models as well.
SymTorrent is free and open source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
2008.05.01 – BUG[Green upload icon is displayed correctly (only when there is an active upload in progress)
2008.05.15. – Peers from tracker response are processed correctly (compact response bug)
2008.06.01. – Option to automatically close network connection after downloads has been added
2008.06.13. – Text colors fixed (obtained from theme)
2008.06.13. – Changed line spacing in status and details views
2008.06.13. – Changed the colors in the download status bar: yellow means patially download, green is fully dowloaded
2008.06.13. – BUG[Download path setting dialog pops up two times] FIXED
2008.06.14. – BUG[Network conenction selection dialog popped up multiple times when cancelled] FIXED
2008.06.14. – Error popups are displayed when starting the network connection failes or the network is disconnected
2008.06.14. – Torrents no longer become “failed” when the user cancels the network selection dialog
2008.06.16. – BUG[Application crashes with KERN-EXEC 0 during download] POSSIBLY FIXED (?)
2008.06.16 – BUG[Receiving HAVE message with piece index 0 causes that the peer disconnects] FIXED
2008.06.16. – Piece queuing added/updated
2008.08.26. – Selecting which files of a torrent to download is now possible (in the files view select Download selection)
2008.08.26. – BUG[The download status view is not refreshed after rotating the screen] FIXED
2008.10.18. – S60 5th UI compatibility problems solved
2008.10.19. – Text size on status and torrent properties view changed
2008.10.22. – BUG[IP address is not displayed in status view] FIXED
2008.10.22. – Added warning popups when witing to disk fails or no peers left
2008.11.24. – BUG[Some of the downloaded data is lost after exiting] FIXED (partially downloaded pieces are saved)
AcceSnake is a “Snake-like game” developed by CmoaToto which uses the accelerometer of your phone. For the first time in a snake game, you can move in any direction, slow down, and accelerate just by moving the phone. You can cross your tail but don’t touch the wall or you will loose a life.
-A great new graphic engine !! Here is the graphic version of AcceSnake. And trust me, it’s really beautiful !! visit the ScreenShots Page !!!
-You can now play with the keyboard. If you don’t want to be seen moving in every ways, or if you doesn’t have the accelerometer, you can play anymore !!!
-All the code has been beautifyed and improved.
Slick is messenger application for mobile devices. It allows you to chat with your friends connected though various online messaging applications.
Currently it is still in development, and alpha version is available for free for public testing.
Jbak TaskMan is a task manager.
Main features:
– Ultimate replacement of standard task list, which called by menu-key long press.
– Customisable quick launch, where you can add program, document, phone number, SMS and e-mail.
– List of all programs in your phone with quick search by name or UID.
– List of processes, threads, chunks with quick search.
– Quick and stable termination of busy tasks.
– Autorun of programms.
– Phone reboot.
– Uninstalling of sis-applications.
– Info about free memory.
– Clocks with seconds and date with day of week.
– Detailed information about runned task, which you can copy to clipboard.
– Quick task switch by pressing and holding menu-key (Smooth task switch)
– Remember last-visited position in system phone menu.
– Detailed setting of menu-key
– Powerfull possibilities for power and memory saving
SymTorrent is the first and currently only one BitTorrent client for Symbian OS. It supports downloading multiple torrents at the same time, is capable of both downloading and uploading and can save the status of your unfinished torrents, so you can resume the downloads after restarting the application. You can also check the status of each file inside a torrent along with several other statistics and properties during download.
Currently, SymTorrent is available for mobile devices based on the S60 Platform 3rd edition. Supported phone models include all recently released Symbian OS based phones, such as the Nokia Nseries/Eseries devices and many older models as well.
SymTorrent is free and open source software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
While you are waiting for the new version of SymTorrent, which will hopefully be released in a couple of weeks, I just wanted to let you know that I have had the opportunity to test it on a new S60 Touch (S60 5th Edition) device. With some minor modifications, I managed to make it fully compatible with the new system, so if you are planning to buy a new touch enabled S60 phone, you can be sure that SymTorrent will work with that as well.
DEdit is a powerful text editor for Series 60 phones.
* Changes in PageUp/PageDown
+ Text templates
! Setting fullscreen/normal (g4) not save correctly
! Titles of softkey’s don’t updates after changing their functions in settings.
! In fullscreen – bug with changing resolution
Mazing Days is a simple labyrinth or maze game. You start from top left corner and finish at bottom right corner. That’s it, easy!
Mobbler, Mobile Scrobbler, is a radio player and scrobbler for Nokia S60 3rd edition smartphones. It allows you to listen to your radio stations and to scrobble tracks played using the Nokia S60 Music Player. Music player scrobbling can be done both whilst you listen, or queued offline to be submitted later.
Warning: Please note that the radio player functionality of mobbler will use a lot of data. The makers of Mobbler can not be held responsible for your phone bill.
Mobbler should be compatible with all Nokia s60 third edition mobile phones.
Creepy Invaders is a Space Invaders look-a-like done in Python.
PyFolder is a Python application that can view Python scripts as icons and launch them. It is like a virtual folder in your standard Application Shell. PyFolder makes it easy to download and run Python scripts that are not wrapped to sis packages. User can choose to open any folder, and run the Python scripts it contains. You can also set your custom (jpg) icons for applications.
Release notes:
v0.9, 28-Oct-2008: The first version.