e?ventr makes it easy to arrange and organize casual meetings and accept invitations, whether it is to a party, sports event, a concert or any other activity. Whenever you want to go out or do any activity with your friends, take a quick look at your e?ventr. He tells you all about interesting events and what your friends are planning to do. Moreover, your friends will be informed about your activities and can join in. e?ventr brings social networking to real life.

Always?on networking is indispensable for e?ventr because information about events will be made available in real time. When a user enters data it will be visible for his friends after a just a few seconds, and they can react immediately.

e?ventr is a location?based service and uses Maps API to enter and display the locations of events with overlays and maps imagery. Additionally, the user’s current position is shown as well as the distance to the event location.

Invitations to an event can be sent via e-mail or SMS to friends who do not have e?ventr on their mobile phone. The recipient’s phone number or e-mail address can be selected from the phone book.

Author: Michael Zitzelsberger
