Game goal is to arrange balls of the same color in a straight lines (every direction). 5 or more balls on a straight line are removed and points are awarded. Longer lines mean more points. Crossing lines of the same color count together.

You can move one ball pro turn. Select it by tapping (it starts to wobble), and then tap on desired position. If there is a way, ball moves there. You can always select another ball by tapping on it.

If you arranged 5 or more balls on a straight line, they are removed, points are awarded and you get free move.

After each turn, 3 new balls are placed on free positions. Preview panel on top provides you with information, which colors will come to the board on the next turn.

Game ends, when there is no free positions left on board. Use application menu to start new game.

In case you leave the application (due to call or another activity brought on top) your position is saved and will be loaded on restart.