Added Apr 11, 2010, Under:
Crazy Intro is an autoboot homebrew to use along with Preloader.
You can use Crazy Intro to customize the opening of your wii. You can display your selected picture and play the music of your choice at each start of your wii. Also you can assign your frequently used channels/programs to any button on your wiimote. You can use B or your configured button to quickly access homebrew channel.
Compiled with latest Grrlib 4.2.0
Mii display support for the birthday feature (thanks to mdbrim)
see example here :
Being forced to the first wiimote issue fixed.
Few effect fixes as well
SG57 is working on his PSP homeberw game “The World”. There is no release yet, but a bunch of screenshots and a video.
PSP Mario is a clone of Super Mario Bros. for the PSP.
-Finished off the red koopa a.i
-Finished off the stand alone coins
-Improved the A.i code and lagging with hitting shells
-Added in Background Music for Overworld both the hurry version and general version
-Improved the animation code by using timers instead of counter based (still dislike the timer module hugely though)
-Added in Invisible blocks (YAY!)
-Completely changed the movement and jumping to a more progressive form rather than static by this i mean you can build up speed and loss speed by moving/not moving, same goes for jumping, the longer you hold X the higher you jump compared to just tapping it.
-Added in Clipping logic on blocks where if you barely clipped a block you’d be placed to the side in which you hit it rather than actually hitting it. (Used in the brick blocks, ? Mark blocks and Invisible blocks )
-Added 2 more levels, the first is very big at 650×17 (more than double the original) the seconded is 350×17 (i think, can’t remember but it’s around their)
-Added in death animations for both koopas (green & red) & for goombas when hit by shell.
-Changed the positioning of the HUD to fill the screen more and added a few improvements to make it look more like the original for example, the score is now 0000000 instead of just the 0 like the old version
-Have a “OK” menu now which shouldn’t confuse anyone on which character to pick still the GFX isn’t great also a loading screen is now present takes 3 seconds to load everything
-Reverted to using the classic old school 8bit Mario graphics, fit in a lot better with the game now and less hassle for me seeing as the custom sprites i used weren’t exactly to scale.
DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn and other contributors. It is a GPL Open Source project.
[!] Revert back sqrtf (vfpu_sqrtf is alot slower, thx IWN and Hardhat for pointing out)
[~] A couple of minor changes
General is a dice game the main goal of which is to score more point than your opposite.
Apollo Task Killer is a tool help you save battery,kill task,free memory,speed up phone.
Control the movement of the ball with your fingers…
Gira Bloxs, formerly known as Vertical Tetris, is a clone of Tetris. It’s played with your Wiz rotated at 90 degrees.
Now with sound!
Fixed problem with long wait before deleting a line. Game are more playable now.
Added garbage level.
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