G-Alarm v1.4.2 (PPC Application)

G-Alarm is an alarm clock with a special mechanism to wake you up. Before the alarm clock stops you need to guide a ball through a labyrinth or solve a mathematical task.


[UPDATED] Better support for resolution 240×240
[FIXED] Support for devices with hardware keyboards (finally I visited a friend with such a device ;-))
[FIXED] A lot of things – too lazy to write them down…
[UPDATED] Languages: swedish, slovak, croatian
[ADDED] Languages: hebrew, serbian


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Jack and the Beanstalk (Build 65) (A2600 Game)

atari2600land has posted an update of his Atari 2600 homebrew game “Jack and the Beanstalk” which is based upon a fairy tale with the same name.

Release notes from atari2600land:

Fixed a few things.
First: Whenever you enter a castle room, you may have noticed that the dog is green for a frame before it goes to brown. I significantly reduced that (or in some cases, completely eliminated it.)
Second: If you go up in the first screen in level 4, you would have gone back to the castle. This too has been fixed.

(By the way, the fact that there are no bushes in the first screen of level 1 is intentional. I’ll keep it that way until I put in the new screens at the last minute.)

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Alcohol Engine v1.0 (Beta) (PSP misc)

This program by mhorpheox shows your blood alcohol content.

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SXLibrary (27-01-2009) (PSP misc)

xart released a Library for PSP developers.


This is a simple to use and add to any software you develope for the PSP device, it is also works well without any issue of anykind with BenHur’s intraFont so here is the SXLibary (coreXLib Replacment) that I mainly coded for myself.

Please note that this library has just started and so will grow overtime and the GUI functions and Transition functions were not ready to be fully usable so excluded them untill ready.

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CXMB Manager (Beta 1) (PSP Application)

The purpose of CXMB Manager is to make the cataloging, and sorting, of your CXMB theme files easier.


– Allows you to store unlimited CTF themes.
– Allows full screen previews
– Fully functional favorites list. (Add, remove, ect…)
– Does not interfere with being able to apply ctf themes in xmb
– Allows importing of custom_theme.dat from Flash1
– Allows information to be stored/diplayed for each theme

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The Labyrinth (27-01-2009) (PSP Game)

The Labyrinth by seanpaul223 is a little brew game with no scenario. You just have to quickly find the way to the exit. Labyrinth is a Lua Coded Homebrew which uses RayCasting Engine to draw 3D scenes.

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maketens v0.05 (NDS Game)

Mankind’s oldest enemy, the decimal numbers 1 to 5 have launched another audacious attack and it’s up to you to stop them. They have one weakness – they self destruct when they are combined to make the number ten. Select numbers with the stylus and make tens to save the world.

How to play:
– Numbers have to be on the same horizontal line and add up to 10.
– All hope is lost when the numbers break through the top of the screen.


– Tiles can be moved / dropped into empty spaces.
– Added animation and sound effect when you make ten or activate a power up.
– Added warning sound effect when the numbers are on the top most line.
– Tiles were still being drawn as highlighted if you moved the stylus off them.
– Score line was being erased if a tile dropped down from the top most line.

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Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.7 (GBA emu for Wii)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2.


– Updated to VBA-M r847
– Corrected sound interpolation
– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed GBA games on GameCube - Fixed homebrew GBA games on GameCube - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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Visual Boy Advance GX v1.0.7 (GBA emu for GC)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator for the Wii and GameCube based on VBA-M and Visual Boy Advance v1.7.2.


– Updated to VBA-M r847
– Corrected sound interpolation
– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed GBA games on GameCube - Fixed homebrew GBA games on GameCube - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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FCE Ultra GX v2.0.8 (NES emu for Wii)

Tantric has released a new version of his continued port of FCE Ultra GX a NES emulator for both the Nintendo Wii and GameCube.


– Fixed a major memory corruption bug in FCE Ultra 0.98.12
– Faster SD/USB – new read-ahead cache
– Removed trigger of back to menu for Classic Controller right joystick
– Changed GameCube controller back to menu from A+Start to A+B+Z+Start
– Add option for horizontal-only video cropping
– Decreased minimum game size to 8 KB
– Fixed a bug with reading files < 2048 bytes - Fixed some memory leaks, buffer overflows, etc - Code cleanup, other general bugfixes


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