Lilou Box v1.3 (NDS Application)

Lilou Box is a complete communication box for your DS. It allows you to transfer files with different protocols : FTP and HTTP. It allows you to download or upload files on your private network or on Internet.

Lilou HTTP allows you to explore files over internet (similar to your file explorer on your PC). With this, you can download your files, favourite homebrew, video on your ds without extracting your card, Micro DS.

Lilou FTP allows you to run either a FTP server a FTP client on your DS. With this, you can download your music sound, video on your ds without extracting your card, micro DS … It allows you to transfer files between 2 DS, your computer and a FTP server on Internet.


200’s of files on for FTP client to display a remote directory
ComBoX had a debug tools (in debug menu) that writing details of each AP found to a text file on the flashcart, named cftpwar.txt

This is an older release, but has not been covered – now it is 🙂 Thanks to for the news.

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Momentum Ball (NDS Game)

Avoid the bullets for as long as possible.

Thanks to for the screenshot.

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graphDS WIP (NDS Application)

graphDS is a very primitive program for the DS that implements the class and performs calculations. Eventually, this application will be a sort of graphing calculator that will include expression evaluation, graphing, and calculus tools like slope fields and Euler’s method. It will also be capable of evaluating definite integrals and Riemann sums.

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Factor v0.1 – A Game of Primes (GP2x Fenix Game)

The idea of the game is that you need to factor a very large number which is a multiple of the first 8 primes: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, and 19. So, for instance: 12355467391260000000 = 2^8 * 3^7 * 5^7 * 7^10 By pressing the left, right, up, down, A, B, X, and Y buttons, you can attempt to divide the large number by a prime. By using the L and R buttons, you can increase the power of the divisor. 2 becomes 2^2 = 4, 7 becomes 7^2 = 49, and 19 becomes 19^2 = 361. You can increase your power up to a factor of 6, where 19^6 = 47045881! Be careful though. If you make a mistake you’ll be penalized 3 times the amount of points you would have gained if you were correct. Increasing the power is risky business! The icon graph is a hypercube, a four dimensional object that could be used to represent an easy puzzle (2^w*3^x*5^y*7^z).

The music is from Isaac Albeniz’s Suite Espanola, Op. 47 – Leyenda. The music is copyright free and in the public domain and is available for download at I rather enjoyed the fast pace, and the Spanish guitar is perfect for reading through the Fenix API (which is written in Spanish, of course). The entire song is there, split up between the menu, gameplay, and high score screen.

The easy mode eliminates the higher primes, leaving a number built only from 2s, 3s, 5s, and 7s. If you get a positive score, you’re doing good! Fives and Twos are easy. Just count the zeros at the end of the number, increase the power to that number and hit 2 (up) and 5 (right). These points are so easy to get that 2’s and 5’s aren’t available at the hard Level! Testing a divisor to see if it is safe is easy at the first power; you’ll only lose 3 times the prime in points. But if you test a prime like this, you lose valuable points you could have gained at a higher power. Try turning up your power first and risking a big score early when it’s more likely to be possible. You can also eliminate a prime by a large number of low power moves, and then focusing on one prime. This strategy works, but you won’t get the highest score It is possible to get a score so low (below 200 million) that the machine won’t be very impressed with your performance.,0,0,0,37,2494

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Bunjalloo WIP (NDS Application)

Quirky speaks up about the future of Bunjalloo, a web browser for the Nintendo DS.

Read on:

Lately I’ve read some positive comments about my home-brewed web browser on a few different forums and news sites. It’s nice to know that people find the software useful! I’ve also received some suggestions via email on how to make the browser even better for people. One of the interesting things about having a homebrew browser is that it can do things that the official browser can’t, like download files to the memory card or provide translations for languages other than the official 5.

So with this in mind, I’m now working on improving the way Bunjalloo downloads files. Currently it’s not very user friendly and requires you to download the file, then save it. This is pretty unintuitive – it’d be better to sniff out the MIME-type of file that the user clicks on, then either download and show it for supported image and text MIME types, or offer to save it to disk for “exotic” MIME types. Y’know, a bit like everyone else does it 🙂

As for translations, there’s not much user interface to translate at the moment, but what is there has now been pulled out into resource files, defined per language. Currently only the languages supported internally by the DS are selectable, and the language displayed can only be altered by changing the DS’s language option from the system settings. But this is only a beginning, if there is enough interest I can extend language support to those not built in to the DS via a configuration option. The actual translations into other languages need doing, so if you want to help out let me know. I have English and Spanish done, Italian, French and German are needed, as is Japanese. Sadly Japanese won’t work without changing the font, the one I have at the moment doesn’t include the full range of universal characters.

Speaking of helping out, keep that feedback coming. Star issues that you think are most important, report bugs, even write patches 😉 There’s a new mailing list/forum for discussing Bunjalloo if mailing me is too much hassle. I look forward to hearing from you!

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MobileChat v2.1 (iPhone Application)

MobileChat is a multi instant messenger for iPhone.


Horizontal/Landscape Orientation Availability
“New IM” finally works
“Send” Button has been relocated to the keyboard (in place of return)
iPhone Firmware 1.1.3 Compatibility
DNS Issue that plagued 1.x and 2.0 has been resolved.
BSD Subsystem dependency should be gone.
Added support for XMPP
GTalk has been temporarily removed
Sign On progress notifications (as seen in screenshots)
Disconnect Notification: if you get kicked off, or you can’t sign on, you’ll be alerted now
Conversation code-base optimized

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GMath3D v1.3.5.3 Library for GP2X and Win32 Tester Library (GP2x misc)

Graphics library for gp2x. Includes 2D, 3D, Text, Time, Joystick, and Sound (ogg) functions. Includes working example code, and .gpe files. Now Included a Win32 port to test your programs before compiling for GP2X. Win32 tester version includes 2D, 3D, Text, and Joystick functions. Now supports textures upto 128×128 bitmaps.,0,0,0,19,2349

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Termula2x v0.1.1 (GP2x Application)

Termula2x is a UNIX terminal emulator for GP2X, including vi text editor. It supports background images.


* added hide/show virtual keyboard option – to show virtual keyboard set vkeyboard=true or set vkeyboard=false to hide it.

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XLaunch v0.31 (iPhone Application)

Select any application in either /Applications or /var/root/Applications and launch it, so long as the app is registered with SpringBoard.

Release notes:

Version 0.31 is in the XLaunch folder. Try tilting it on its side! Now supports Webclips as well as app icons.Oh, and p.s. Yes, it does work on the touch. And p.p.s. This probably means that AppFlow is deprecated. What do you all think? Let me know.

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PSPTube (24-02-2008) (PSP Application)

PSPTube lets you watch Youtube comfortable via your PSP.

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