Scroll Launcher v0.01 (PPC Application)

Scroll Launcher is a Diamond styled Launcher for WM Devices.

Scroll Launcher looks inside the windows start menu folder for *.lnk files, and then adds them to a modified KListControl.

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OS Remind Me v1.1 (PPC Application)

Reminds you of Unread SMS or Missed Call Notifications. Intervals for the alert is at 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes.


– fixed reminder not playing when backlight is off
– changed UI
– user can now change the reminder sound through the application menu

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DSbible (NDS Application)

Jeremysr made a Bible-reading program for NDS.

Release notes:

I made a Bible-reading program a while ago and didn’t release it because some extra features (bookmarking, searching, verse look-up) had seemingly unfixable bugs and the code was a huge mess even though it was the second time I rewrote the whole thing.

Anyways, I’ve still been using it and have been finding it still quite useful so I’ve decided to release it here.

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CHANGE-D v0.2 (PSP Application)

CHANGE-D is a simple application which allows you to keep a better directory structure for your programs. The game folder will be organized into two folders (Games & Apps). You can easily change between thsoe folders by just pressing one button.

Release notes:

GOOD news, i just update it so it could have 150 and 3xx and 4xx folders available to swap 🙂

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Femto VM (17-06-2008) (SMS misc)

Femto VM is a compiler that translates a Forth-like language into a compact bytecode, wich can then be run using the interpreter that runs on the Master System.

The interpreter is not yet complete; it already reads the joysticks, moves sprites around and draws to the background map, but there’s still some things to implement, like tile loading and sound.

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Master System Coding Tutorial (SMS misc)

Julien Verneuil is working on a Master System coding tutorial (ASM/C). The ones interested may check it out.


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Scilors Driving Licence Trainer v0.4 (Alpha) (PPC Application)

Every wanted to have an easy way to learn the for your driving licence? Here is a possibility, at least for our german visitors. The German Licence Trainer File for 2008 is included and working, everyone can now create such file for every country.


-Fix: Translated “Richtig/Falsch” into english
-Added: Global Statistics
-Added: Small Statistics in the Stats form
-Added: QuestionPack Statistics
-Fix: Close Question Form after making a QuestionPack
-Changes: Stats.sdf Changed!
-Fix Date String with Zeros(Stats)

Video in action:

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Tweexter v0.1 (PSP Game)

Tweexter is very similar to Gamehouse’s Texttwist. You are given a set of 7 letters(on future release, it will be a combination of 6 and 7 letters) and you have to unscramble it to a more sensible word. To advance to the next round you need to solve the 7 letter word.

Thanks to for the news.

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Putzpie Etch A Sketch v0.2.1 (NDS misc)

Putzpie has udpated his “Etch A Sketch” program.


-10 save slots
-A cursor to show where you are erasing/lifting pen
-change the file name to save(#).peas
-search a “PEAS” folder, for .peas files.
-Doesn’t draw a dot until the pen has moved.

Thanks to for the news.

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Wii Web Server v0.73 (Alpha) (Wii Application)

Wii Web Server is a simple Web-Server for the Wii. Still it’s in very early stages of development.


Security bugfixes
Added “HEAD” method support
Added space in file name support
Fixed disallowance of ../ or ./ for security
Added .bin file support
Sends server version in header

Thanks to for the news.

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