LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Video: NES Programming #47 – Adding Collision To The Asset Tool

Michael Chiaramonte goes on with his NES Programming tutorials.

NES Programming #47 - Adding collision to the asset tool


In this stream, I added the ability to turn on a grid in the asset tool and toggle collision in metatiles by clicking on the individual 8×8 subtiles in the metatile. This information is saved in a 2-byte bit mask and on Monday we’ll be exporting the information for the NES and implementing the collision detection. As always, thanks to all those who watched the stream live! See you Monday – have a great weekend!

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Generic Snake Clone v2018.07.29 (Nintendo 3DS Game)

Generic Snake Clone by Jayenkai has been released, and is available for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and Nintendo 3DS. This is apparently a generic snake clone.

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Raumfahrtaufgabenübertragungsgesetz (Nintendo DS Demo)

Raumfahrtaufgabenübertragungsgesetz is a new Nintendo DS demo by St. Vincent and the Grenadines, released at Nordlicht 2018. Don’t get irritated by the long German odd name of the demo, it’s worth your time.

SVatG - Raumfahrtaufgabenübertragungsgesetz [Nintendo 3DS]

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Video: NES Programming #46 – Tile Loading And Attributes Are Done For Now

Michael Chiaramonte goes on with his NES Programming tutorials.

NES Programming #46 - Tile loading and attributes are done for now!


I finally got the tile loading and attributes loading properly in this stream. We have one more minor task to take care of on Thursday, but even with reloading the entire attribute memory in the NMI, we’re getting smooth scrolling (unlike before). We will start working on background collision next stream (FINALLY!). Thanks for those who watched. See you next time!

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Might of the Balls v2018.07.23 (Nintendo 3DS Game)

Might of the Balls by Jayenkai has been released, and is available for Windows, Linux, MacOSX and Nintendo 3DS. Guide your ball over the maze and light up the tiles, in a bid to beat your opponent.

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Into The Blue v2018.06.24 (Game Boy Game)

Jonas Fischbach of Retroid fame released another Game Boy Color homebrew pearl named Into the Blue. You have a vertical play field with panels raising from the bottom. The panels can be rearranged and will disappear if three (or more) matching panels are lined up in a horizontal or vertical row. The game is over if a panel touches the upper border of the play field.

This game is inspired by a Sega Genesis title named Megapanel, which is is widely forgotten today – probably because it was only released in Japan.

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~voidfloating~ v2018.07.30 (PICO-8 Game)

~voidfloating~ is a PICO-8 game by beepyeah. Float around but avoid the void! Once the game ends, you will know how many seconds you survived – unfortunately there is no real scoring system for now.

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Mausoleum Quest v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Mausoleum Quest for PICO-8 by sprvrn is a small action adventure game where you explore an old and ruined place, inhabited by dangerous drones. It looks peaceful, but the quest will be difficult. The controls are simple: an attack key, and a dash key to escape your opponents attacks and jump from a platform to anther.

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Little Dragon Adventure v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Little Dragon Adventure is a PICO-8 game by Mush. The evil Chiro Empire has captured all of the other Dragon Eggs! It’s your job to save them!

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Beatship v2018.07.20 (PICO-8 Game)

Beatship for PICO-8 by D’oven is a test-your-luck rhythmic space shooter where shooting on beat allows you to use a powerful beam weapon but one misfire and your combo resets to 0. Do you play it safe and sit on the charge you’ve built up or risk it to restore much needed health? Leave the menu screen running for a bit to see an in game demo. The basic space shooter elements of this game’s code were made using ztiromoritz‘s fantastic Pico-8 tutorial. The rest of the game was made for Yohahi’s Floppy Jam.

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