LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Tetriega 2017.09.2017 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Retro Nerve Games are currently all in for their project Kung-Fu Ufo. According to developer Sebastian Abreu there is a slight chance they are going to pick up their older project Tetriega. So let’s see if Tetriega will be developed further or not.

TETRIEGA - SEGA GENESIS 2017 Homebrew (coming soon)

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Micro Clampett v2018.05.03 (Nintendo 3DS Game)

Micro Clampett is another game by Jayenkai hitting the Nintendo 3DS. Read more about it here.

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The Retro League Podcast – Episode 434 – The Violent End of a Sega Power Strip (misc)

The Retro League Podcast features discussion about the latest retro gaming news, re-releases, community developments and reviews of our favorite games.

This week:

This week we’re having trouble pronouncing Japanese names and/or translating Japanese into English. We celebrate Panzer Dragoon Saga’s 20th anniversary by seeing how overpriced it has become on eBay, and we wonder who bought a Game Gear game at retail this year? We’ve got the cutest game to feature blasting dudes with a shotgun in this episode of the Retro League.

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Taco v2018.05.03 (WIP) (SNES Game)

Taco for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System / Super Famicom got another mini progress report in form of a screenshot.


Added coin counter (and changed layout)

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Interview with Brad Smith of Lizard NES (NES misc)

2 Dudes and a NES interviewed Brad Smith of Lizard NES fame.

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Jayenkai’s A Game A Week Coming to Nintendo 3DS? Part 6 (Nintendo 3DS misc)

Jayenkai of A Game A Week fame shows more progress tweaking his AGameAWeek C++ Framework for the Nintendo 3DS. By 2nd May streaming ogg music works.

Micro Clampett - 3DS Homebrew Testing

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Kung-Fu Ufo v2018.05.01 (WIP) (Genesis Game)

Retro Nerve Games gave the public another insight to their new Genesis / Mega Drive game Kung-Fu Ufo.

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Zelda: Oni Link Begins v1.5 (PS Vita Game Port)

Rinnegatamante ported the unofficial fan game Zelda: Oni Link Begins to PS Vita. You can download it via GBAtemp.

Brought down by a terrible curse since his recent victory on the Dark Lord, Link is changing, day by day, into a powerful creature with a destructive nature named Oni-Link. Bannished from Hyrule, the young Hylian asks the princess Zelda some help. She shows him his last hope: a portal to a secret world.

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Teenage Queen (WIP) (SNES Game)

alekmaul seems to rebuild Teenage Queen for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It’s a strip poker game known from the Commodore Amiga and initially released in 1988.

teenage queen for SNES 🙂

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Making NES games with NESmaker – Tutorial for patched versions 3.1.1 – 3.1.3 (misc)

NESmaker allows users to create cartridge based, hardware playable NES games in an intuitive, faux object oriented environment without ever having to write a single line of code.

NESmaker Beta - Tutorial for patched versions 3.1.1 - 3.1.3


This tutorial is for the NESmaker beta patch, versions 3.1.1, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3. Check your version number! It also likely requires knowledge of the original 3.1.0 beta tutorials.

Shooting at monsters! Monsters shooting at you! Boss barriers! Screen triggers! A swath of fixed bugs in the engine, and a handful of fixed features of the tool!

This is a super quick run down of new things. It is meant to by synthesized with your knowledge of the first run of beta tutorials, with a quick refresher of necessary steps, if creating from scratch.

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