LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Super Plumber Run v1.1.0 (Android Game)

Onduck Games Super Plumber Run got an update! Collect coins and avoid enemies and obstacles in this Super Mario Run style game.


* Upgrades are cheaper now
* Added Red Coins
* Some optimizations and bug fixes

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Zagh! The black Bird v1.2 (Android Game)

Zagh! The black Bird is an Android game by Alireza Pakrou. Take control of Zagh the black bird and get him cheese. Be careful, other birds want to have the same!

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Brick Shot Gift v1.0 (Android Game)

Brick Shot Gift is fast paced endless game. Shoot an giftbox into the empty spaces to sparkle the gifts. It will wish you luck every sparkle you make. You will never get bored during holiday season. More luck you get, more colorful it gets.

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VisualBoyAdvance GX v2.3.6 (GBA emu for Wii)

Visual Boy Advance GX is a Game Boy Advance / Game Boy emulator based on VBA-M.


* Wiimote, Nunchuk, Classic, and Gamecube controller support
* Rotation sensors, Solar sensors, and Rumble support
* Optional special Wii controls built-in for some games
* Editable 14-colour palettes for monochrome Gameboy games
* SRAM and State saving
* IPS/UPS patch support
* Custom controller configurations
* SD, USB, DVD, SMB, Zip, and 7z support
* Compatiblity based on VBA-M r927
* MEM2 ROM Storage for fast access
* Auto frame skip for those core heavy games
* Turbo speed, video zooming, widescreen, and unfiltered video options


* Restored Wiiflow mode plugin by fix94
* Restored fix filebrowser window overlapping
* Change all files End Of Line to windows mode
* Remove update check for updates

Plenty of legal GBA homebrew games to try out can be found here at PDRoms ->

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VICE SDL1 SVN v3.0.0.0 (Multiple emus for Pandora)

This is version 3 of VICE, the multi-platform C64, C128, VIC20, PET, PLUS4 and CBM-II emulator. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.

Release notes:

– After four years of development and 33 betas, the latest stable VICE version is here!! XD
– Updated default configuration for all computers on new release. Backup and delete appdata/vice-svn recommended.
– Updated sources and compile script included.

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QtBrynhildr v1.6.1.14 (Pandora Application Port)

QtBrynhildr is a QT Client for the Brynhildr windows remote control client. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* Updated sources.

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The Retro Hour EP51 – Video Game and Computer Christmas Super Quiz (misc)

The Retro Hour is your weekly dose of retro gaming and technology news, views and interviews from the UK.


We’re joined by Paul Drury from Retro Gamer Magazine, Olly Wilmot from the National Video Game Arcade who go up against Ravi and Joe in a battle of video game and computer knowledge, who will win?!

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Go Round ZigZag v1.1 (Android Game)

Go Round ZigZag is a new Android game by Gemini Software Studio. Make your little car staying on the path as long as you can. Just tap the screen. Addictive funny game. Control directions of the car and try not to fall off the edges.

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Kraut Buster (22-12-2016) (WIP) (Commercial) (NeoGeo Game)

NG:Dev.Team keep working on their commercial NeoGeo title Kraut Buster. Via Facebook they shared a bigger status update.

Kraut Buster Video #3 720p @ 60fps (16 bit NEO GEO)

Their latest message to us:

Dear customers,

with the year ending here is the current state of Kraut Buster for NEOGEO.

Compared to our original vision the game got pretty huge, basically twice as many mission parts, twice as many bosses etc. as originally planned. Without any additional financial costs to you, but at cost of waiting time.
At current projections the game will break even but will not generate any profits in the first year, but that was expected from the beginning, it was always a dream project for us.

Work on the final mission already started. We have the basic map done, currently it’s getting finalized pixel art.

The game is kinda “two games in one” both in content and game modes. It comes with two quite different feeling game modes.

* “Slug”* mode: Tactically and slower game mode, similar to the classic MS series. Lots of stops with fighting bigger enemies and a more tactical approach.
Due to the size of the game, we plan to offer a mission select (A or B) in this mode to keep the playtime around 30 minutes.

* “Contra”* mode: Fast and action oriented. Only stop at mini bosses and bosses and run and crush through enemy hordes. Probably no mission select here as the increased speed/flow gets the playtime under 30 minutes.

Enemy balancing and enemy placement may differ slightly to reflect the slightly different mechanics.
Weapons/Powerups/Secrets/Masks will be handled differently in this mode too.

* (Both game mode names are just placeholders)

We will show the “Contra” mode in a later video in 2017.

Some current statistic numbers (subject to change):

9+ bosses
6+ mini bosses
19 mission parts
207 screens.
Nearly all are individually hand drawn pixel screens (not tile based, think more fighting game backgrounds).
That’s like 86 KoF backgrounds (of course with less animation in KB). All combined, give a huge picture of 66240×240 pixels.

New screen shots from Mission 4-4 are available on the game site/the shop site and Facebook.

As you can see in the screen shots, we also reworked the HUD: We removed the big bubble head from the HUD as it looked too “western”/unfitting for NEOGEO to us. It also would have taken too much of the very small SFIX ROM space with the other characters.

Release date:

In the last newsletter from 16th June 2016 we stated:
“Currently Kraut Buster has no release date, but a release in the late 1st/early 2nd quarter of 2017 seems realistic.”

Our new estimate is to start beta testing in June and start to ship in September. We originally had planned to have 3 pixel artist full time on this project, but in the end only two were available over the full course. That lead to an unexpected delay.

We know that we started pre order too early for it, but without the pre orders we wouldn’t have been able to made a big game like this. The next few games will be smaller projects again, with similar work sizes like NEO XYX (pixelart) and Razion (CGI). We will probably do a huge project in the size of Kraut Buster in the future again, but not for a few years and in a different genre.


MVS reprints:

Originally it was planned and communicated in the newsletter that the MVS reprints will be produced together with Kraut Buster MVS. As sales of the reprints are getting close to our minimum factory order amount we will try to produce them earlier. For now we set April 2017.

Thanks for being patient and happy holidays,

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The Gizzle Wap and the Great Blizzard (23-12-2016) (A2600 Game)

Mountain King updated his new WIP Atari VCS game The Gizzle Wap and the Great Blizzard.

It’s the holidays in Sundra. A great blizzard hit the land suddenly trapping anyone that was unfortunate enough to be caught outside. You play as the Gizzle Wap and the Moum Moum searching the land for survivors. Move the Gizzle Wap left and right and press up to jump. The Moum Moum will follow. Press the fire button to dig in the snow to search.

Listen closely to the Moum Moum. He has a better sense of where a creature might be buried. Dig where he sings. You may have to scan an area more than once to find something. He will not sing if he is standing on the Gizzle Wap or if he is too high in the sky.


1. When finding a Fraze branch or bacon the Moum moum will no longer carry them away. Instead he will carry the Fraze a few feet away and eat it and then return. The Bacon Gizzle wap needs to touch to eat it. He will make a quick buzz sound when eating.
2. Bacon heals the Gizzle Wap more effectively.
3. The Moum Moum and the Gizzle Wap turn blue when their health becomes critically low ( no death yet)
4. You can no longer “spam” Dig. Instead you must wait until your previous hole fills before digging a new hole. Don’t worry the storm is pretty harsh. The Hole will fill quickly.
5. If the Blue Bunipy or the Cruncher becomes reburied, you will need to redig a hole where they are to rescue them.
6. When searching for food, there is a chance you will disturb a nest of ground Gnats. The warriors will relentless attack you. Dodge their attacks and dig holes to stop them.
7. Objects and creatures no longer “morph” This was a bug resulting from assigning multiple sprites to one virtual sprite.

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