LvR (Gameboy Advance)

Telegram v0.10.00.08 (Pandora Application Port)

Telegram is a cloud-based mobile and desktop messaging app with a focus on security and speed. Ported to Pandora by ptitSeb.


* No changelog yet

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C-Dogs SDL v0.6.2.4 (Pandora Game Port)

C-Dogs SDL is a port of a really fun old DOS game to modern operating systems, using the SDL media libraries for graphics, sound and input (hence the name). Overall it’s an open source, classic overhead run-and-gun game.


– Fix support for wide resolution, thanks to congusbongus.

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Freeciv v2.5.5.0 (Pandora Game Port)

Freeciv is a Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization. The game commences in prehistory and your mission is to lead your tribe from the stone age to the space age.


– Latest stable release.
– Updated libs and sources. See NEWS-2.5.

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Tubular Craze v1.0 (PICO-8 Game)

Tubular Craze is a PICO-8 by briac. It’s a Pipe-Mania like game. The goal is to connect pipes from the Start tile (S) to the End tile (E) with at least a number of pipes (the number below “LEFT” in the lower left).


– player lives
– 15 levels!
– endgame screen (game won / game over)

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plan9port v2016.04.11.1 (Pandora misc Port)

Plan 9 from User Space (aka plan9port) is a port of many Plan 9 programs from their native Plan 9 environment to Unix-like operating systems.

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Invader Overload (03-08-2016) (PICO-8 Game)

Invader Overload is a PICO-8 game by morningtoast. Basically the game is Space Invaders with a few extras. Collect 3 of the same the color power-ups to gain a powerful new weapon. Shoot the UFO and collect the yellow drop to kick off fever mode! Then collect enough fever mode coins to switch stages and backgrounds. This game is endless. Survive as long as you can while chasing a high score.

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Homebr3w v1.4.0 (3DS Application)

Homebr3w, install or update Homebr3w easily from your 3DS. Now also with QR Code drawing and automatic update check for apps!


+ Add 2 more sorting modes (Last updated, first updated)
+ Uninstall installed Homebrew Apps! Press select to change between install and uninstall mode over an installed App!
+ Searching now also checks the Author and Description. Want to see all apps by 1 developer? Now you can!
+ Icon cache now updates icons. Sometimes a dev changes their icon, Homebr3w now always loads the newest one!
+ Massive Speedboost while downloading! Especially icons should download much faster now thanks to the power of Connection: Keep-alive!
+ Pseudo-anonymous data collection has been implemented. Homebr3w generates a UUID automatically and sends that to Disable this behavior in settings or generate a new UUID by removing the entry in SDMC:/Homebr3w/data.json
* Blacklist the invalid title ID 0x0
* Fix saving config files
* Fix the blacklisting feature

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FBI v2.4.1 (3DS Application)

FBI is an open source file and title manager by Steveice10 for the Nintendo 3DS.


* Add Keep-Alive header to requests.

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Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (OpenTTD) v1.6.1.0 (Pandora Game Port)

OpenTTD is an open source clone of the Microprose game “Transport Tycoon Deluxe”, a popular game originally written by Chris Sawyer. It attempts to mimic the original game as closely as possible while extending it with new features. Ported to Pandora by Canseco.


– Latest stable release.
– Updated sources and libs.

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Sonic Visualiser v2.5.0.0 (Pandora Application Port)

Sonic Visualiser is a program for viewing and analyzing the contents of music audio files.

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