News (GP2x misc) is a brandnew and growing portal in german language, specialized in Open Handhelds such as the Wiz, GP2x and Pandora.

Greeting message:

In den nächsten Tagen werden wir einige neue Artikelserien starten, die euch hoffentlich die Wartezeit bis zum Release der Pandora etwas kurzweiliger gestalten. Ihr könnt gespannt sein, welche Themen sich unser Team für euch ausgedacht hat.

Natürlich werden wir auch die Features und das Design der Website weiter ausbauen. Beispielsweise werdet ihr bald die Möglichkeit haben, unsere Artikel per RSS-Feed zu abonnieren.

Wir möchten uns für die geäußerte konstruktive Kritik bedanken, und versuchen die Verbesserungsvorschläge bald umzusetzen.

Schaut einfach in ein paar Tagen mal wieder rein, dann gibt es sicherlich einige Neuheiten zu entdecken.

Good luck, colleagues! 🙂

By with 0 comments (Wiz misc) is a brandnew and growing portal in german language, specialized in Open Handhelds such as the Wiz, GP2x and Pandora.

Greeting message:

In den nächsten Tagen werden wir einige neue Artikelserien starten, die euch hoffentlich die Wartezeit bis zum Release der Pandora etwas kurzweiliger gestalten. Ihr könnt gespannt sein, welche Themen sich unser Team für euch ausgedacht hat.

Natürlich werden wir auch die Features und das Design der Website weiter ausbauen. Beispielsweise werdet ihr bald die Möglichkeit haben, unsere Artikel per RSS-Feed zu abonnieren.

Wir möchten uns für die geäußerte konstruktive Kritik bedanken, und versuchen die Verbesserungsvorschläge bald umzusetzen.

Schaut einfach in ein paar Tagen mal wieder rein, dann gibt es sicherlich einige Neuheiten zu entdecken.

Good luck, colleagues! 🙂

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WizSticks WIP (Wiz Game)

Gernot is working on a WIZ game, which also does run on a real WIZ as proven here:

The game is NOT yet public, but there is a Windows demo, available from here:

Authors notes:

Here’s a preview of a game I made for the WIZ. Me playing with one hand, while holding the camera is a bit awkard, sorry.

The game uses the old pixel engine I had in the GP2X. I’m working on the OpenGL|ES version ATM.

The particels are alpha blended, but it’s still very quick. Also the pixel rotation in realtime is no deal the the WIZ. The game is a slideshow when running on a GP2X, overclocked to 240 MHz.

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Unofficial Llibplanar v0.9 (PS2 misc)

Unofficial Llibplanar is library for to be used for PS2 coding.

Release notes:

Changes from the original version:

* Llib2D.c

– Added resize resolution PAL to NTSC

* Llib2DText.c

– Added resize resolution PAL to NTSC

– Added characters ñ Ñ and ¿

* Llib3D.c

– Added camera movement (position x, y, z, rotation x, y, z, pointing camera x, y, z)

– Added transparent objects

* Llibgs.c

– Added resize resolution PAL to NTSC

– Added the functions drawBoxLined() and drawBoxLined2()

* LlibTex.c

– Added the functions GetTextureDir(), SetTextureDir() and imageFree() Experimental!.
These functions are dangerous because they change the pointer of textures
no matter who is in that memory. (Used in the game “el boli” for
remove the last picture loaded without using the function textureFixDir()).

– Added imageLoadRawC() and imageLoadIIFC() functions to load an image in RAW/IIF format from memory.

* Load_IIF.c

– Added the functions IIF_vOpenFile(), IIF_vCloseFile(), IIF_vcountFrames(), IIF_vreadClut()
IIF_vreadImage() to upload files from the memory.

* LoadFile.c

– Added findMediaMode function () that automatically guesses if the program is running
from HOST, MC0, MC1, MASS or CDROM.

– Bars / or are changed automatically according to the accessed media.

– Added the functions vopenFile(), vcloseFile(), vreadFile(), vreadFileBlock(), vseekFile()
to read files from memory.

* Math.c

– Added the functions gradosaradianes() and radianesagrados().


In this version should not be used objectReset() in the program as it is called internally from objectTranslate() and objectRotate () functions. Also before gfxRender() must be added a camRender().

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Ifcaros Tetris (PS2 Game)

Here comes a Tetris game for Playstation 2 coded by Ifcaro.


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Brick-OS WIP (27-10-2008) (PS2 OS)

Bricks-OS is an Operating System primarily for Game Consoles. It’s main goals is to share resources between different game consoles. This is achieved by using message passing for communication.

News from the Brick-OS project:

Interrupt support for the Playstation2 has been added. So now the work on preemptive multitasking, and interrupt driven drivers can begin

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MahJongg Wii v0.5 DOL (Wii Game)

MahJongg Wii is a Mahjongg solitaire tiles game written specifically for the Wii, developed with devkitPro tools and using the GRRLib for rendering, sndlib for music and sound, and wiiuse for wiimote.

The goal is to clear the board by removing all the tiles. Tiles must remove in pairs. A pair consists of two tiles which both are a) “free” and b) identical (or of the same type).

Release notes:

Changed the application from ELF to DOL for compatibility with the Hombrew Channel beta 9

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Pong2 v0.7 (Wii Game)

Pong2 is an open-source game based on the original game of Pong. Pong2 has improved features over the original. The paddle can be moved horizontally and vertically. 10 tracks of background music are available during game play. The first player to score 10 points in each level is the winner.


Improved goodbye screen
Added support for 60Hz screens

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Shinobi SE Demo (25-10-2008) (SMS Techdemo)

Newcomer maxxfarras is trying to realize his dream of a Special Edition Shinobi Remake for the Master System. For now it’s a pretty simple demo which let you walk your character left and/or right.

Full release notes:

Hi sms community,

after of too much time of work and delays I decided post my little shinobi demo, (rom and source code) I was thinking about post it when I got more advanced and wait to implement the excellents collision routines that atari racoon send it to me in this project (thanks again for your help atari racoon ^. ^)i but in view that my progress is so slow and there still very hard work, I decided post it today.

My dream is some day create a shinobi special edition for the sms…maybe someday…

Im decided post it for 3 reasons:

1. Because Im proud of my advance in learning the sms so I want show it to the community with my little rom 🙂 I know that must be little thing for experts like you, but Im still proud :), and it is a proof that Im serious with this.

2. Because I was thinking that if I post source code people can give me suggestions for improve my sorce code and suggestions for enhancement.
So let me now your opinions about my rom and source!

3. The more important reason is that I was trying of create my own game engine but my advance is so slow, I only get two direction horizontal scroll and display a sprite and fliped it in software using double buffer feature (check my source).

But if some people like atari racoon, martin or other people could have an complete engine for platform games in assembler and show it to me maybe I could have now the enough knowledge for at least try to understand it and try to adapted it to my project, And because that is better for faster advance use work of others, I hope dont ask you too much.

Well I dont loose anything with ask you guys, right? 🙂

Thanks for reading my post, my english is very poor so I hope you can understand me.

PD: I dont know why but I had problems with meka, try kega or emukon, run it well in real hardware with my tototek.

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ZXing v1.1 (J2ME misc)

ZXing (pronounced “zebra crossing”) is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java. Goal is to use the built-in camera on mobile phones to photograph and decode barcodes on the device, without communicating with a server.

This library is divided into several components of interest:

core: core decoding library, and the main component of the entire project
javame: JavaME client
javase: J2SE-specific client code
android: Android client (1.0 SDK)
androidtest: Android test app (1.0 SDK)
rim: RIM/Blackberry-specific client build
iphone: iPhone client + port to Objective C / C++ (QR code only)
zxingorg: The source behind
bug: Client for BugLabs’s BUG

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