Homebrew Browser v0.2.3a (Wii Application)

The Homebrew Browser allows you to download the latest homebrew applications and games all through your Wii. You don’t need to take your SD card out. You don’t even need a computer! You can also delete homebrew you no longer want.


– Wlan adapter should now work with the HBB
– Applications should now be detected properly
– When applications are downloaded/deleted from the popular category they will now appear correctly in other categories and vice versa

As lots of users were having problems, the HBB has been updated to v0.2.3a which should now fix the issues. If there are still outstanding issues, please let me know.

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Dodge the squares MGS Edition v1.1 (PSP Lua Game)

A dodge the squares game by xXChromeXx.


– Added Highscores for both modes
– Changed the eboot

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JNKPlat DS 08 – Platdude Goes Fourth (NDS Game)

Jayenkai has updated his puzzle platform game JNKPlat.

Release notes:

Contains the usual files, 3 dldi, 3 non-dldi.
If your cart Auto Patches, use the dldi one..!

The Game
Same game it’s always been, but now it’s got extra graphical styles! Wowie!
Tap the new button on the menu to flick through them.
Thanks to Sir Voe (from for the new graphics.

The New Stuff
Not much, but a couple of freaky things, and a couple of cabbage tweaked old things!!
There’s 2 new level packs, though!

The Levels
There’s now 8 packs in there..
4 by me, 2 by Sir Voe, 1 by Another World, and 1 by Nyarla
That’s.. a whole big load of levels!

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Double Battles v0.1 (GP2x Game)

Kiwiz has updated his game Double Battles. This game is about a duel between two players.


– Music added.
– Visual aspect renewed.
– Now the 2 players can shoot.

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mame4iphone (29-09-2008) (Arcade emu for iPhone)

zodttd ported MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) to the iPhone.


– Based on MAME v0.37 Beta 5
– Although MAME v0.37 Beta 5 is quite old, and I’m not quite sure why it was chosen as the basis for many ports to ARM handhelds yet, it still supports over 2000 ROMs!
– These arcade game’s date range from the 1970’s all the way to 2000!
– Sound is supported but disabled by default. To enable it,goto – Now Playing and slide the slider for volume up from the off position then start a game.
– Once a game is started it will ask you to press OK. Use RIGHT then LEFT then RIGHT then LEFT to press OK.
– Save states are only just being introduced in MAME v0.37, so mame4iphone does not currently support save states.
– Upon installing a folder /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/ is already made for you. Place your MAME-titled zipped ROMs in the /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/MAME/roms/ folder.

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PSP Pandora Deluxe v2.1 (PSP Application misc)

DJB has updated Pandora Deluxe to v2.1. This application automates the process of making a magic memory stick for your Pandora into a very easy and noob friendly process.


– Added 2 new tabs, Support Tools Options and a Readme.
– Added the following Support Tools:
Alternative VSHMenu 6.1
CXMB 3.2.1
RSPSARDumper 3.5
UMDumper 3.00

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OPEN (28-09-2008) (PSP Lua Application)

OPEN is a Lua coded shell application for Playstation Portable.

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Take The Eggs v0.3a (NDS Game)

retrohead has updated “Take the eggs! Ornithorhynchus Anatinus GO GO GO! DS.”

This is a port of the Sega Saturn game by NAXAT SOFT called Motteke Tamago with Ganbare! Kamonohashi. The game can be seen as a cross between the classic Bomberman games and Flicky.


– Fixed the layer problem with the TV in character / world select.
– Improved 3D VRAM updates (Big thanks to DarkEz for the help).
– No more sprite flicker due to the new VRAM updates.
– New 3D Sprite system now allows for MP3 music in game. – This could not be implemented before due to the amount of flicker it caused.
– Few new SFX added courtesy of the extra RAM space available by using MP3.
– Smoother rotation on the stage select reel.
– Implemented world specific SFX.
– Added enemy to world 1. Don’t let him get you!
– Visual notification of the scores being gained / lost.
– Invisible fried egg bug should now be fixed (reports welcomed).
– World 3 is now unlocked for all to enjoy!

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WiiFortune (Wii Game)

WiiFortune is an open-source game based on the famous Unix’ Fortune. It was re-written from scratch but uses the default database of original Fortune. Fortune is a simple program that displays a random message from a database of quotations.

Thanks to for the news.

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Dodge the Squares v1.4 (PSP Lua Game)

Dodge the Squares coded by dan369.


– Added GFX all by NICK^^
– Added Highscoring System
– Fixed the EBOOT (done by NICK^^ aswell)

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