Uncharted Lands WIP (PSP Game)

This release is a very early release, and is mainly just a proof of concept. It still contains some bugs. But the next release is to be rid of almost all of these bugs. So please post feedback and suggestions for the game at the release thread.

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TruFlow v1.0 (PSP Application)

TruFlow is an advanced coverflow type music browser.

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Ruoho 3D Terrain Engine (PSP Techdemo)

jj_calvin is working on a 3D terrain engine.

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LuaPlayerHM v8 (PSP Application)

homemister91 released an update to his modified Lua Player variant LuaPlayerHM.


%%%%%%%% NEW %%%%%%%%

Fixed Wlan.startGameShare(filep ath) Now all homebrew work for gameshare.

Added and Fixed System.autoCpu() now has power modes. 1 for saver, 2 for performance.

Added Controls.wlan() returns 1 for on and 0 for off

Added System.stopPRX() Will stop and unload a PRX file that has been loaded. It needs the unique name of the PRX file given when the PRX is loaded.
Eg name = System.loadPrxKernel(file name) System.stopPRX(name)

Fixed System.loadPrxKernel(file name) Will load a PRX into the kernel memory. Allows kernel functions to be used. returns a unique name

Fixed System.loadPrx(filename) Will load a PRX into the memory. returns a unique name

Fixed System.startGameSave() Saves game data Eg System.startGameSave(“Nam e of savegame”,”Name of game”,”Details/message”,data to save, “Name of the game*used to identify the save data”)

Fixed System.startGameLoad() Loads the save data selected Eg data = System.startGameLoad(“Nam e of the game*used to identify the save data”)

Fixed Wlan.init(connection number) Can use just Wlan.init() to see all conections of use Wlan.init(1-10) to automaticaly connect to a specific conection.

Added IntraFont * Use in between Gu.start3d() and Gu.end3d() *
IntraFont.init() Call befor loading intrafont. Starts the IntraFont engine
IntraFont.term() Ends the IntraFont engine
IntraFont.load() Load a font 1 = Normal 2 = fast draw|less memory 3 = Large Memory 4 = Japaniese
IntraFont.print() Prints the text to screen Eg IntraFont.print(x,y,TEXT, Size,Color,Glow) Color and Glow must be in a HEXIDECIMAL format Eg
“0xFF0000FF” = red *****Use in between Gu.start3d() and Gu.end3d()
IntraFont.color() (Red/Gree/Blue/Alpha) Returns a Hexidecimal Value for the color

Added New TTF library (
Font.init() Call befor loading Font. Starts the Font engine
Font.print() Prints test to the screen with a font. Eg Font.print(x,y,”TEXT”,col or,fontslot)
Font.load() Loads a font to a font slot Eg. Font.load(“ms0:/font.ttf”,1) slots range from 1 to 5
Font.unload() Unloads a font from a slot Eg. Font.unload(1)
Font.term() Ends the Font engin
Font.color() (Red/Gree/Blue/Alpha) Returns a Hexidecimal Value for the color

Fixed System.startUpdate() Now works properly

Added March33 and NP9660 use for ISO loading. *Only when LPHM Drivers are installed.

Improved System.runeboot()

Improved System.startPSX()

Added Mp3me.setPos() Sets the position of the mp3 file can be used for FastFwd OR Back. Returnes the position of the file

Added Mp3me.getPos() Returnes the position of the file

Added Will return the remaining buffer left of the mp3.

Added Mp3me Will stream songs from the internet

Added Mp3me.visL() Will return the Visualtion data for left channel.

Added Mp3me.visR() Will return the Visualtion data for right channel.

Fixed Mp3me.percent()

Fixed Mp3me.rawSongTime()

Added PingPSP. In Adhoc send string “PINGPSP”, start a timer and stop the timer when the Nickname of the pinged psp is returned with PING. Eg Adhoc.send(“ping) the receved data will be “OtherPSP’sNicknamePI NG”

Added Aac to Audio files able to be played (thx to sakya)

Added Aa3me.setPos() Sets the position of the Aa3 file can be used for FastFwd OR Back. Returnes the position of the file

Added Aa3me.getPos() Returnes the position of the file

Added Will return the remaining buffer left of the Aa3

Added Aa3me Will stream songs from the internet

Added Aa3me.visL() Will return the Visualtion data for left channel.

Added Aa3me.visR() Will return the Visualtion data for right channel.

Fixed Aa3me.percent()

Fixed Aa3me.rawSongTime()

Added System.getTachyon() return version

Added System.getPommel() return version

Added System.getBaryon() return version

Added Use like the Webbrowser,downl oad path) Must be in same directory as the LPHM Eboot
Eg“ m/”,”ms0:/PSP/GAME/LPHM”),
You can also use the Webbreowser to download files just put the download url in.

########## LPHMDRIVERS############
Added Syslib Will load the syslib.prx from the flash1:/ Alows for the following functions
Added System.mute() Mute the System volume
Added System.disableDisplay() Turn off the Screen
Added System.enableDisplay() Turn on the screen
Added System.getVolume() Returns the system volume 0-30
Added System.setVolume() Set the system Volume 0->30
Added System.setBrightness() Set the backligh brightness 0->100
Added System.getBrightness() Return the backligh brightness 0->100
Added System.homePopup() 1 to enable 0 to disable
Added volup,voldown,screen,note ,home to the Controls function. Therefor all controls need the LPHMDRIVERS installed

Added System.hook() Will make the target EBOOT.PBP loaded after the game is exited. Can be used to return to your app from UMD,ISO,Other Homebrew,PSX.
Eg System.hook(“ms0:/PSP/GAME/LPHM8/EBOOT.PBP”)
Added System.unhook() Will stop the returning to the selected EBOOT.PBP Eg System.unhook()

Fixed Other Bugs.
%%%%%%%% Updated %%%%%%%%
System.madeby() to 8.0

System.playerVer() To 8.0

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CSPSP v1.56 (PSP Game)

CSPSP has been udpated!


Fixed a bug in the server list pinging code
Map files are now deleted if the download is cancelled before completing (prevents crashes when trying to redownload the same map)
Fixed a bug that prevented properly putting the PSP in sleep mode while the game was running
Implemented grenades (you can only carry one grenade at a time though)
Added the highlighted gun’s image and cost to the buy menu
Implemented a simple decal system for blood and explosion marks
Implemented a grid partitioning system to optimize collision detection (larger, more complicated maps don’t slow down as much now)
Fixed a bug that made the remaining ammo count after reloading inaccurate
Made the camera less jerky during variations in frames per second
Added a map check that gives an error message when the map and the server’s map don’t match (this should also catch half downloaded maps that would have otherwise crashed the game)
Fixed a bug in the knife collision check when more than two players were in contact
Redid a lot of the bot code (they should now detect when they get stuck and try to move away)
Implemented A* pathfinding (bots can actually find each other now instead of moving randomly)
Made waypoints optional (bots won’t move on maps without waypoints)
Fixed a few other bugs

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Legend Of Zelda Portable Adventures (Beta) (PSP Game)

dan369 updated his Zelda fangame for PSP.


-Changed the Image loading around a bit so images are accessed when need be
-Fixed Some Sound Bugs (Menu)
-Diagional Movement
-Analog support
-New Inventory Page Added (Character view Link’s stats)
-Added Rupees
-Added Chests
-Changed sum Collision
-Use a collision function, makes code look neater/cleaner
-Added 6 new maps,
Outside Link’s House2 and 3 Town_1,2 and 3
-The Shop map has been added aswell but no shop interfaceYET
-Added a simple HUD (press L to access)
-Slower Movement when walking on hills
-Started the Questing System
-Added the Baker Animation
-And other minor things

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DSRoomMaker v0.9 (NDS Application)

With DSRoomMaker you can build your own styled room or garden with a few objects. It basically acts as room or garden design tool. Future versions will provide more objects to place.


-Better Objects
-Other viewing
-Garden mode

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Wii Web Server v0.77 (Alpha) (Wii Application)

Wii Web Server is a simple Web-Server for the Wii. Still it’s in very early stages of development.


* Added custom 404 error page
* Added custom 500 error page
* Added custom denied error page
* More //quit security checks
* Solved two stability issues Uses the new wiiweb.xml

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Rebooter (Wii Application)

This utility provides a simple choice, to either return to the loader or reboot the console.

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FTPii v0.0.11 (Wii Application)

FTPii is an FTP server for the Wii, giving people easy access to their SD cards without having to eject it from the Wii itself. The FTPii home page is


boot.elf rebuilt with patched libfat to stop read-ahead cache providing old data. (thanks dhewg!), Attempt to fix USB ethernet adapter by initialisaing network subsystem before FAT, Added release_date to meta.xml.

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