BlowUp (PSP Game)

BlowUp is an OpenGL,full 3D game,in which you are driving a tank,and you have to destroy your opponents,and collect all coins. Environment is fully textured,with working collisions. Game difficulty changes with each level.,4924.0.html

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SpoofApp (iPhone Application)

SpoofApp is a revolutionary way to change the Caller ID number people see when you make calls from your iPhone. You get to decide what number you want displayed when you make a call.

In order to use SpoofApp you must signup with a Caller ID Spoofing Provider. This only takes a couple minutes. Once you sign up, you will receive a PIN number that you simple enter into the SpoofApp program which will unlock the ability to make calls.

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xriPhone v0.5 (iPhone Application)

xriPhone is a native application for the Apple iPhone.It allows you to enter an i-name and perform the following functions with a single tap.


Retrieve the i-name’s XRD.
Retrieve the i-name’s XRDS.
Launch Safari to access the i-name’s default service.

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MixMeister Scratch WIP (iPhone Application)

Forget ordinary iPod song play back. MixMiester Scratch let’s you perform a scratch anywhere, anytime – even right on top of any song in your iPod Touch or iPhone. MixMeister Scratch is both easy to use and fun.

To get started, just choose from a list of included vinyl scratch sounds and start scratching. Scratch on top of your favorite tracks by selecting music to play from your iPod or iPhone. Then load MixMeister Scratch while the music plays and you can scratch on top of your music and adjust volume of the music in real-time using the touch interface.

MixMeister Scratch – the original DJ machine for iPhone and iPod Touch. Out soon…

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iPlus v2.0b (iPhone misc)

iPlus is a *fully automatic* tool for setting up your iPhone! For Windows and Mac OS X (intel/PPC)

It will downgrade the bootloader, unlock, jailbreak and activate the iPhone. And even better, it will also install the most important and common packages as well as several fixes, with a custom payload for installing other packages.

Bootloader downgrading uses BL 3.9FakeBlank, so it is fully reversible.

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ThrottleLauncher v0.8 (Alpha) (PPC Application)

ThrottleLauncher is a launcher app (obviously :P) designed for Windows Mobile 6. Basically it consist’s of several pages containing rows. Each of the rows depending of it contents can be scrolled horizontally by using the finger. The app is fully configurable through xml files so the rest of the features depends on the diferent setups.

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ThumbCal v0.4.7 (PPC Application)

ThumbCal is a customizable fingerfriendly calendar application for Windows Mobile Pocket PC’s. You do not need your stylus anymore to navigate through months and years, tasks and appointments or to quickly create or delete them.

ThumbCal is free for personal use.


– changed the date format for restricing appointments and tasks in hope that less users will have problems with not showing appointments
– many minor bug fixes
– faster animations
– tap on upper right corner (if not with windows taskbar) minimizes the app (in 0.4 it closed the app)
– contextmenu now disappears when the user taps outside its area, therefore the “cancel” option doesn’t exist anymore
… other things that slipped my mind …

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graphDS v0.3 (NDS misc)

Morgan updated his graph program graphDS.

Release notes:

Here is v0.3 of graphDS. I added parametric and polar graphing. Everything else is the same as in the previous release, but now you can press Mode to switch between graph modes while on the graphscreen. Here are the defaults for parametric and polar graphing:
tMin = 0;
tMax = 6.283185307;
tStep = .05;
thetaMin = 0;
thetaMax = 6.283185307;
thetaStep = .05;

Currently, you cannot change these defaults, but eventually I will add capabilities for changing the window, etc.

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Ball v0.1 (NDS Game)

abyssahx, a new member on the webboards, is brining us a new homebrew release called Ball. The name is a working title and might change during development.

Goal is to connect three balls of the same color, to let them disappear fromt he playing field.

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Dumb v0.9.3 (GP2x Application)

DUMB is an IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library developed by Robert J Ohannessian, Julien Cugniere and Ben Davis.

It now has been ported over to the GP2x.,0,0,0,19,2510

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